Местные активисты оказывают давление на предприятия-загрязнители

Новая государственная политика, застав- жила посредником между местными жителя-

ляющая предприятия раскрывать экологиче- ми и властями.

скую информацию, стала важным звеном в ра- In recent years, polluting control measures

боте НКО с предприятиями-загрязнителями. based on the state policy of environmental infor- Например, организация «Зеленый Лунцзян» mation disclosure have been gradually launched

участвовала в кампании по пресечению за- in China, all levels of government, business, me-

грязнения р. Ашихэ выбросами дрожжевой dia, NGOs and the public become familiar with

фабрики. Главная роль в кампании принад- this tool. A series of advocated pollution control

лежала местным жителям, а НКО поставляло actions made by more than 30 Chinese Environ-

информацию, организовывала обучение, слу- mental NGOs (ENGOs), such as Consumers'

Green Choice, Green Supply Chain Management and Heavy Metal Pollution Research of IT indus­try, have achieved certain results in promoting the business environment situation. For example, Wal-Mart, HP, Nike and many other enterprises have promised to manage their suppliers to be green. In addition, in 2009, the Institute of Pub­lic and Environment (IPE) and the Natural Re­sources Defense Council (NRDC) developed the Pollution Information Transparency Index (PITI index), and made the annual national evaluation of 113 cities, to assess the implementation of the government's environmental information disclo­sure. By the latest evaluation results of 2010, the environmental information disclosure standards continue to improve in general.

As a grass-root ENGO, Green Longjiang puts more time on going deep into local communities, to meet their environmental quality requirements, above and beyond participation in research and nation-wide advocacy activities mentioned above. The term "community" in "Community-based environmental action" especially means those di­rectly affected by the pollution. And the subjects are those directly affected by pollution hazards. Different polluting enterprises, different commu­nities and public. But when we work on up and down of one river, the pollution caused by facto­ries impacts. all communities on the riverbanks and downstream.

At the beginning, we get environmental in­formation through the network, and select some appropriate objects with serious pollution. We se­lect cases that are easier to be promoted, because that most Chinese public has limited confidence of the power of the community and we should set an good example to encourage more community participation. So we address easy questions at the start, to do more with less. The main field survey includes: company's facility location, pollutant emission situation, the feelings of surround com­munities and residents, and environmental pro­test behavior of local residents.

After preliminary investigation, we go on to conduct in-depth survey of this community to understand clearly the specific needs of local residents on the good natural environment. At the same time, we try to find out some potential leaders living in the community One local public leader would be trusted by local people, and this will encourage everyone. Local residents are the protagonist of this activity, and ENGOs plays a role as a link and a facilitator.

This in-depth survey requires a long period, and we may have to communicate with the local community management committees and gov­ernment departments. At the same time, general communication and environmental education ac­tions can be done to popularize environmental protection, legal knowledge, and also make rela­tionship closer with local residents.

Once we have a more comprehensive un­derstanding of the needs of community residents, we would like to start promoting community vol­untary environmental action like the following: . . 1.Public education classes, popularizing en­vironmental protection knowledge and enhance people's awareness of pollution problems and the sense of self-protection, such as the establishment of community environmental poster on the wall.

        1. Capacity-building class, improving com­munity participation capabilities in environ­mental protection and community manage­ment, such as launching training of the par­ticipation community management, infor­mation disclosure and public participation.

        2. Communication classes, inviting the govern­ment and enterprises into the community for a direct dialogue and exchange with community residents and other stakeholders in environ­mental issues, so as to resolve environmen­tal conflicts, such as a round-table meeting.

        3. Action class, guiding residents to express pro­test against polluting enterprises in a rational way, and attracting government and media atten­tion is benefit to environmental problems solu­tions, such as organizing meetings or performing art show near the plant (You need to be licensed by local government departments to do such op­erations in China).

Through these community actions, not only residents exert tremendous pressure on pollut­ing enterprises, but also these actions would be covered by the media and the network and attract the public attention. Sometimes, the superior business of the pollution factories have to press their concern and pressure to local factories for improvements. These are driving toward solving environmental problems.

From the summer of 2009, Green Longjiang River works on Ashi River, a tributary of the Son- ghua River, carrying out the above-mentioned activities against a local factory. This factory produce yeast product for bakeries. And it was punished by both local and the central government several times for discharging polluted water to Ashi River and unpleasant air making people around feel bad. In late 2010, under the pressure of around communities, the plant built a new sewage treatment facilities and stopped polluting. A number of other grassroots environmental

NGOs, have similar successful experience, such as Huai River Guard Orgination, Chongqing En­vironmental Protection Volunteers' Association, Green Anhui and so on. At present, this kind of work emphasize the equality among government, business and the public, and comes to many meanings, such as the social harmony, environ­mental democracy, public participation, coordi­nation of interests with civil society

 Чжан Ядун,

«Зеленый Лунцзян», Харбин, Хейлунцзян, Китай

источник http://damba.org/novosti/materialy-k-vi-mezhdunarodnoj-nauchno-prakticheskoj-konferencii-reki-sibiri-krasnoyarsk-2011-god.html

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