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Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)

First Call for Concept Notes 2014
Deadline: 13 May 2014
Principal Office: International
With funding provided by several international sources, ASARECA calls for research proposals to support improved agriculture and related natural resources in Eastern and Central Africa. Subject areas include crops, livestock, fish production, horticulture, agricultural water, agricultural markets and enterprises, and agricultural policies. Applications are invited from national agricultural research institutes, universities, farmers' organizations, agribusiness enterprises, NGOs, etc, operating in any of the ASARECA member countries (Burundi, Dem Rep Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda). The deadline for concept notes is 13 May 2014.
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Australian Agency for International Development

Government Partnerships for Development 2014
Deadline: 14 May 2014
Principal Office: Australia
The GPFD supports public sector organizations in Australia to collaborate with partners in countries supported by Australia's aid programs. Activities in the collaboration may include internships and placements, training workshops, twinning arrangements, and policy research. Only Australian public sector organizations can apply. Grants are AUS$0.5 million to AUS$3 million for a period of one to three years. The deadline for concept proposals is 14 May 2014.
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Comic Relief

International Grants
Deadline: 14 May 2014
Principal Office: UK
The international grant making at Comic Relief focuses on support for health, education, and livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. This includes subject areas such as water and sanitation, resilience to environmental shocks, and others. Applicants must be based in the UK. The next deadline for applications is 14 May 2014.
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CRDF Global

Bio Risks in Sub-Saharan Africa
Deadline: 14 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
CRDF Global is a partner with the U.S. Department of State's Biosecurity Engagement Program and the African Biological Safety Association to offer grants for managing bio risks in Sub-Saharan Africa. The priority is to support laboratories and projects which focus on zoonotic diseases. Grants are a maximum of US$10 thousand for up to six months. The application deadline is 14 May 2014.
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UK Government

Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation 2014
Deadline: 14 May 2014
Principal Office: UK
ESPA-2014 calls for 'blue skies' research that advances global understanding on the way that ecosystem services contribute to poverty alleviation, with emphasis on new understanding that can benefit poor people in low-income countries. Grants will range between £50 thousand and £150 thousand for projects of up to one year. The application deadline for proposals is 14 May 2014.
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ARCOS Network

Small Grants for Conservation in the Albertine Rift and Great Lakes Region of Africa
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The ARCOS Small Grants enhance collaboration to develop sustainable solutions for biodiversity and people, focusing on critical landscapes and watersheds of the Albertine Rift and the Great Lakes Region of East and Central Africa. The program is open to civil society organizations. Governments and for-profit actors cannot apply, but may participate as cooperation partners in the project, or in coalitions where a civil society organization is the main applicant. The maximum grants is US$5 thousand. Applications are received in two periods each year: 01 April to 15 May, and 01 August to 15 September
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Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Calouste Gulbenkian Prize 2014
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: Portugal
The Prize of €250 thousand is awarded to an individual or institution whose thoughts or actions make a decisive contribution to respect for diversity and difference, a culture of tolerance, and the conservation of the environment in man's relationship with nature. The deadline for nominations is 15 May 2014.
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CRDF Global

Biosciences Research in Iraq
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Iraq Biosciences Research Grant Competition aims to build the capacity of government laboratories in Iraq to detect, diagnose, and report infectious diseases of humans and animals caused by pathogens of security concern. Grants are up to US$50 thousand for research projects of one year. The principal investigator of each project must be a citizen or legal permanent resident of Iraq. The deadline for proposals (Arabic, English) is 15 May 2014.
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European Commission (EC)

Support for PhD Studies in TRECCAfrica
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The EC's Intra-ACP academic mobility scheme funds TRECCAfrica (Transdisciplinary Training on Resource Efficiency and Climate Change Adaptation in Africa). The program comprises seven African universities and associated networks and foundations. TRECCAfrica currently invites applications for fully-funded PhD studies at partner universities in the consortium. Post-graduate subjects include environmental management, agro-ecology, food security, renewable energy, climate and society, biotechnology, conservation, and others. The deadline for scholarship applications is 15 May 2014.
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France Libertés – Danielle Mitterrand Foundation

People’s Right to Water
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: France
The Danielle Mitterrand Foundation announces a call for proposals about people’s right to water when facing extractive activities. Projects should focus on the human right to water. Eligibility for grants extends to non-profit organizations of all kinds, with priority to proposals from people themselves or organizations working directly with them. Grants are €8 thousand to €15 thousand, up to 80% of project costs, for projects of 6-18 months. Guidelines and application forms are available in French, English, and Spanish. The application deadline is 15 May 2014.
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International Visegrad Fund

Western Balkans Grant Program
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The International Visegrad Fund calls for grant projects that will facilitate the transfer of know-how between non-governmental and civil society organizations in the Visegrad Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary) and the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). Thematic areas include environment and sustainable development, among others. The program is open to any legal entity or natural person worldwide, with preference for projects submitted by non-profit and non-governmental organizations; public educational, cultural, and research institutions; and municipalities and local governments. Grants are up to €80 thousand for up to 18 months. The application deadline is 15 May 2014.
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Kurita Water and Environment Foundation

Water Research Grants 2014
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: Japan
The KWEF makes grants in Asian countries for water research at universities, colleges, and research institutes. Research topics include technologies to conserve and restore rivers, lakes, and other water resources – among other themes. Grants are up to 500 thousand yen per project per year. Applicants are preferably under age 40. Each applicant should have a Japanese adviser in Japan or in the researcher’s home country. The application period is 01 April through 15 May 2014.
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Rotary Foundation

Grants for Masters Studies in Water and Sanitation
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The Rotary Foundation partners with UNESCO to offer funding for masters studies in water and sanitation. Applicants for Rotary's support must be provisionally admitted to one of the three participating degree programs at UNESCO's Institute for Water Education (IHE). Students apply via their local Rotary club or district. Each award is approximately €25 thousand, paid directly to UNESCO-IHE. The application deadline is 15 May 2014.
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Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Training Programs for Energy
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: Sweden
In cooperation with training organizations in Sweden and elsewhere, Sida's International Training Programs focus on capacity building for participants from developing countries in a range of subject areas, including energy. Applications are welcomed for "Efficient Energy Use and Planning" scheduled for November-December 2014 (Phase 1) and again in February 2015. The application deadlines are 15 May 2014 and 01 August 2014, respectively.
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U.S. Agency for International Development

Innovations in Ethiopian Agriculture
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Innovation Fund for Ethiopia Agriculture invites proposals for innovative projects that link activities in agriculture and health in order to reduce food security and malnutrition. Applicants are Ethiopian NGOs and Ethiopian national or private research institutes, optionally working with external partners (external partners are limited to 25% of the total agreement). USAID anticipates making three awards, at least one of which will focus on pastoralist areas. Funding Opportunity APS-663-14-000002.
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U.S. Agency for International Development

Feed the Future Innovation Labs
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Innovation Labs will engage U.S. university capacity in support of the program "Feed the Future." The Innovation Labs aim to promote collaboration among universities in the USA and developing countries, national and international research centers, the private sector, and NGOs to sustainably intensify small-holder farming in the developing world. USAID will provide up to US$50 million over five years for a leader award (program manager) and for associate awards. Eligibility for the leader award is restricted to U.S. universities and colleges. Funding Opportunity RFA-OAA-14-000009. The closing date is 15 May 2014.
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Conservation of Amphibians in Decline 2014
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
Amphibians in Decline supports activities that address threats to frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and caecilians that face an unprecedented threat of extinction. Eligibility for grants extends to individuals, multi-national secretariats, government units (all levels), nonprofit NGOs, and institutions of higher education. Preference is for proposals that request less than US$25 thousand, although larger proposals will be considered. Proposals should demonstrate in-kind or financial matching. The closing date for applications is 15 May 2014.
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Critically Endangered Animals Conservation Fund 2014
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Critically Endangered Animals Conservation Fund makes grants for projects that conserve the world’s most endangered species. Species eligible for funding are those that face a very high risk of extinction in the immediate future; that are not located in North America or high-income countries of Europe; and that are not included in other USFWS programs. Eligibility for grants is unrestricted. The USFWS favors proposals that request under US$25 thousand, and that contribute complementary resources. The deadline for applications is 15 May 2014.
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University of California at Davis

Fellowships for Agricultural Research at U.S. Universities
Deadline: 15 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (Borlaug LEAP) offers fellowships for graduate students from developing countries for agricultural research at universities in the USA. The program currently invites applications from citizens of USAID-assisted countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Each research project is coordinated by a university in the student's home country, a university in the USA, and a mentor in the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The deadline is 01 May 2014 (extended to 15 May 2014).
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Commonwealth Scholarship Commission

Distance Learning for Masters Courses in the UK 2014
Deadline: 16 May 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission provides funding support to study master’s degree courses offered in partnership with universities in developing countries, or delivered directly by UK institutions. The available offerings include tropical forestry; veterinary medicine; environmental management; conservation and wildlife management; risk and disaster management; and others. Eligibility extends to Commonwealth citizens of developing Commonwealth countries, refugees, and British protected persons. Applicants must be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country and meet the entry educational requirements. The application deadline is 16 May 2014.
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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)

Training Workshop for Proposal Development
Deadline: 18 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The APN will host a training workshop in July 2014 (Vientiane, Laos) to help young scientists and practitioners develop competitive project proposals for funding. The focus will be young scientists who are working in the energy sector of Southeast Asia. Funding to participate in the training workshop is limited to applicants from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Qualified applicants from other APN member or approved countries may attend on a self-funded basis. The deadline to apply for financial support is 18 May 2014.
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Campus France

Hubert Curien Partnerships 2014
Deadline: 19 May 2014
Principal Office: France
The Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) support France's international exchanges in science and technology with several developed and developing countries. Research partnerships often focus on topics in agriculture, renewable energy, water resources, and others related to environment and natural resources. Calls for proposals in 2014 include the following: Egypt ("Imhotep"), deadline 19 May; Algeria ("Tassili"), deadline 30 May; Iran ("Gundishapur"), deadline 26 June; Thailand ("Siam"), deadline 15 July; South Africa ("Protea"), deadline 25 July; and Indonesia ("Nusantara"), deadline 01 August. Applicants should review the themes, application criteria, and contact information for each program.
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United Nations University

Prosper.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Awards 2014
Deadline: 20 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The Award recognizes young scientists and researchers in the Asia-Pacific region in the field of sustainable development. The themes in 2014 are disaster risk reduction; sustainable agriculture; and waste. Winners receive fellowships through the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for research with partners in Germany, in addition to a small cash prize. The closing date for applications is 20 May 2014.
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Regional Fund for Agricultural Technologies (FONTAGRO)

Call for Proposals 2014
Deadline: 21 May 2014
Principal Office: International
Latin America's Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology -- Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (FONTAGRO) -- calls for research proposals in the theme of family agriculture and adaptation to climate change. The call is in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank and the Global Environment Facility. Consortium proposals should include agricultural research institutes, universities, NGOs, agricultural producers associations, and private companies in at least two FONTAGRO member countries. Grants are up to US$200 thousand for projects of up to two years. The closing date for preliminary applications (Spanish, English) is 21 May 2014.
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Tinker Foundation

Martha T. Muse Prize for Antarctica
Deadline: 22 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Martha T. Muse Prize for Science and Policy in Antarctica is presented to an individual in his or her early or mid-career who demonstrates potential for sustained and significant contributions to enhance the understanding and/or preservation of Antarctica. The amount of the prize is US$100 thousand. The prize winner can be from any country, and work in any field of Antarctic science or policy. The deadline for nominations is 22 May 2014.
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African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States (ACP)

Improving the Competitiveness and Sustainability of Cotton in Africa
Deadline: 23 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The European Commission and the ACP Secretariat announce a call for proposals to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the African cotton sectors. Grants will range from €80 thousand to €300 thousand, subject to cost shares. The deadline for concept notes is 23 May 2014.
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European Commission (EC)

India-Europe Cooperation on Clean Technologies and Energy Efficiency in India
Deadline: 23 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The EU Delegation to India announces funding for Indo-European cooperation on clean technologies and energy efficiency. The focus will be five pilot cities in different states of India. The available funding is up to €9 million, subject to cost shares, for co-applicants from the EU countries and India. Qualified international organizations are also eligible. Reference EuropeAid/135461/DD/ACT/IN. The application deadline is 23 May 2014.
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European Commission (EC)

Sustainable Energy in the Mediterranean Region
Deadline: 23 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The EC will support its Southern Neighborhood Partnership with demonstration projects in sustainable urban energy. Eligible countries are Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, and Tunisia. Projects should be led by local authorities or NGOs in these countries, with possible partners in the EU countries. Grants will range from €200 thousand to €1 million, subject to cost shares. Reference EuropeAid/135429/DH/ACT/Multi. The deadline for concept notes is 23 May 2014.
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UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Lighthouse Activities 2014
Deadline: 23 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The UNFCCC's "Lighthouse 2014" will shine light on projects, initiatives, and programs that address climate change mitigation or adaptation. Themes are the role of women in actions addressing climate change; finance related to climate change; activities of the urban poor related to climate change; and ICT approaches on issues of climate change. The selected activities will be offered publicity and public relations, including representation at a special event of the UNFCC in Lima, Peru. The closing date is 23 May 2014.
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Weeden Foundation

Protecting Biodiversity in Chile and Russia
Deadline: 23 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Weeden Foundation makes grants for biodiversity conservation in forest ecosystems, riparian corridors, and riverine and aquatic environments of ecological importance. Weeden's international priorities are the Patagonia region of Chile, and the Altai Republic of Russia. The Foundation requests letters of inquiry (LOI) at least one month before proposal deadlines. The next deadline for applications (English, Spanish) is 23 May 2014.
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Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)

Conservation in the Mediterranean Basin
Deadline: 25 May 2014
Principal Office: International
As an element in its worldwide programs, the CEPF makes grants in support of biodiversity conservation in the Mediterranean Basin biodiversity hotspot. The current call for proposals is open only for large grants (US$20 thousand to US$200 thousand) for integrated coastal zone management in the following countries: Algeria, Cape Verde, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. The deadline for letters of inquiry (English, French) is 25 May 2014.
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International Association for the Study of the Commons

Elinor Ostrom Award 2014
Deadline: 25 May 2014
Principal Office: International
With financial support from the Ford Foundation, the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) awards the Elinor Ostrom Award on Collective Governance of the Commons (e.g., relating to forests, water bodies, fisheries, pasture lands, etc.) to honor the pioneering work in this area by Professor Ostrom. The closing date for nominations is 25 May 2014.
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Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

Capacity Enhancement Program 2014
Deadline: 26 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The GBIF is the largest biodiversity database on the internet, and it aims to promote better decisions to conserve and sustainably use the planet's biological resources. GBIF will co-fund specific capacity needs identified by its participating countries and organizations for mentoring activities; regional training; advocacy actions; and documentation. The maximum amount of funding is €20 thousand per project. The deadline for concept notes is 26 May 2014.
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European Union

Central European Initiative (CEI), Call for Proposals 2014
Deadline: 27 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The CEI makes grants to support its action plan. Cooperation projects are mainly for seminars, workshops, training courses, and other kinds of meetings. Priority themes include climate, environment, sustainable energy, and others. Projects can be submitted by all public and private bodies in CEI's member states, as well as by international and regional organizations. Preference is for proposals submitted from CEI's non-EU member states (Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine). Grants are up to EUR15 thousand. The application deadline is 27 May 2014.
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American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV)

International Grants for Conference Participation
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
The AAZV provides financial aid to zoo and wildlife veterinarians from outside of the USA to participate in the AAZV's annual conferences. Preference is given to applicants from developing countries with demonstrable financial needs and focused educational/ conservation goals. Grants are normally up to US$2 thousand.
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APEC Climate Center

Training Program 2014
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The APEC Climate Center (APCC) in Busan, South Korea, provides climate information services and technical support for regional planning and reduction of economic losses caused by adverse climate conditions. APCC will host a one-week training program in August 2014 on the topic of "Producing High-Resolution Climate Information and its Application Using Downscaling Schemes." Applications are particularly encouraged from young scientists at national meteorological and hydrological services in APEC's developing countries (Brunei, Chile, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Thailand, and Vietnam). APCC will provide airfare, accommodation, and perdiem. The deadline is 30 May 2014.
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AXA Research Fund

Research on Risk Management, Academic Chairs
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: France
The AXA Research Fund supports research to help understand risk management and prevention, including risks related to natural disasters and climate change. Applications can be submitted by pre-registered research institutions in EU member states and collaborating countries (including the following developing countries: Albania, Algeria, Belarus, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Qatar, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam).
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Campus France

Hubert Curien Partnerships 2014
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: France
The Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) support France's international exchanges in science and technology with several developed and developing countries. Research partnerships often focus on topics in agriculture, renewable energy, water resources, and others related to environment and natural resources. Calls for proposals in 2014 include the following: Egypt ("Imhotep"), deadline 19 May; Algeria ("Tassili"), deadline 30 May; Iran ("Gundishapur"), deadline 26 June; Thailand ("Siam"), deadline 15 July; South Africa ("Protea"), deadline 25 July; and Indonesia ("Nusantara"), deadline 01 August. Applicants should review the themes, application criteria, and contact information for each program.
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Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF)

Wangari Maathai Award 2014
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The Wangari Maathai Award honors this exceptional woman who championed forest issues around the world. Following the first award in 2012, the CPF announces the 2014 award to recognize another individual for outstanding achievements related to the key role forests play in supporting local communities, rural livelihoods, women, and the environment. The awardee will receive a cash prize of US$ 20 thousand, along with international recognition. Nominations related to grassroots initiatives are particularly encouraged. Nominations are accepted in English, French, or Spanish before 30 May 2014.
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European Commission (EC)

Central European Initiative, Know-How Exchange 2014
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The Know-how Exchange Program co-finances the transfer of know-how and best practices from EU to non-EU member countries of the Central European Initiative (CEI). Thematic areas in the current call by KEP-Austria include agriculture, environment, and climate change (among others). Proposals are submitted by organizations in CEI member states which are also member states of the European Union. The non-EU members of the CEI are Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine. The closing date for expressions of interest is 30 May 2014.
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International Riverfoundation

Riverprize Awards
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: Australia
The International, Australian, and European river prizes are awarded to outstanding projects in river management. The Prize has a cash component plus a twinning component. Nominations are accepted for programs and projects in river restoration, management of river water quality, pollution control, and related issues. The closing dates are 09 May 2014 for the International and Australian prizes, and 30 May 2014 for the European prize.
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Network of Marine Protected Area Managers in the Meditteranean (MedPAN)

Call for Small Projects 2014
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: International
MedPAN makes grants up to €20 thousand to improve management effectiveness, test pilot schemes, and promote tools that can be useful to marine protected areas in the Mediterranean Sea. In 2014, grants are organized in two parts. Part A is for MPA managers and managing organizations, and Part B is for organizations that collaborate with MPA managers and managing organizations. The deadline for proposals is 30 May 2014.
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Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA)

Grants to Strengthen Frameworks for Managing Natural Resources
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: International
OSIWA works to promote political and economic governance that contributes towards justice and human rights in West Africa. The 2014 call for proposals includes an objective to improve frameworks for managing natural resources in the following countries: Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. OSIWA makes most of its grants to local organizations in West Africa, although it will also fund other types of organizations in rare and limited circumstances. There is no maximum grant size. The application deadline is 30 May 2014.
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Tropical Biology Association

Alumni Small Grants for African Conservation
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: UK
The TBA offers annual small grants for conservation projects and research in Sub-Saharan Africa. The call is restricted to TBA alumni for projects, follow-up, or networking. Grants are a maximum of £1,500. The deadline for concept notes is 30 May 2014.
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Grants for Conservation in Latin America and Caribbean 2014
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
In fiscal year 2014, the Wildlife Without Borders program for Latin America and Caribbean invites proposals that address the human dimensions of species and ecosystem conservation in three regions: Central America; the tropical Andes (western Amazon); and the Caribbean region (activities in two or more countries or islands). Focus areas include the protection of threatened conservation landscapes, illegal wildlife trafficking and the human-jaguar conflict, and training programs for young conservation professionals. Eligibility is unrestricted for grants that will range from US$15 thousand to US$25 thousand. Funding Opportunity F14AS00076. The application deadline is 30 May 2014 (extended from 15 April 2014).
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UNESCO and the International Center for Sustainable Energy Development (ISEDC)

Training in Russia on Energy Resources
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: International
UNESCO in collaboration with the ISEDC in Russia will offer 20 fellowships for a one-month program of capacity-building in sustainable and renewable energy. The program is open to applicants from developing countries and countries in transition that are UNESCO member states. Instruction will be in English, although candidates (not over age 25) should be proficient in Russian. The application deadline is 30 May 2014.
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Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

EDGE Research and Conservation of 100 Bird Species
Deadline: 30 May 2014
Principal Office: UK
ZSL’s EDGE of Existence Program provides fellowships for two-year projects in research and conservation of EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered) species, including EDGE birds. The program is open to early-career conservation biologists who are nationals or residents of the country in which the EDGE species occur. EDGE Fellows receive a grant of up to £10 thousand per year; an opportunity to attend two regional training courses and to undertake online modules in relevant topics; and one-to-one support from a scientific advisor. The application deadline for the EDGE call on birds is 30 May 2014.
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AEON Environmental Foundation

MIDORI Prize for Biodiversity 2014
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: Japan
The MIDORI Prize is a biennial international prize to honor individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity at global, regional, or local levels. In principle, the MIDORI Prize is awarded to three individuals. Each prize winner is awarded US$100 thousand. The deadline for nominations is 31 May 2014.
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African Network of Scientific and Technical Institutions (ANSTI)

ANSTI/DAAD Post-Graduate Fellowships
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) cooperates with ANSTI by offering financial support for Masters and Ph.D degrees at institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. The fellowships are awarded to nationals in Sub-Saharan Africa for studies outside the applicants' home countries. Participants must be from ANSTI member institutions, and be less than 36 years old at the time of application.
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Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)

Comparative Research Networks 2014
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: International
CODESRIA supports researchers in African universities and research centers through funding for Comparative Research Networks. The networks address themes within CODESRIA's strategic plan, including (among others) research on climate change, natural resources, and development. Most grants range from US$10 thousand to US$35 thousand. The application deadline is 31 May 2014
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Earth Biodiversity Data and Monitoring
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) calls for proposals to support the development of data products and monitoring guidelines. Examples are tools or products that show regional or global trends in the distribution of key ecosystems or key species; the consequences of change on ecosystem services; the planning, acquisition, or utilization of national or regional biodiversity observations; and others. GEO BON will fund 3-6 projects with total funding of €140 thousand. The deadline for proposals is 31 May 2014.
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Ekhaga Foundation

Grants in Ecological Agriculture
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: Sweden
The Ekhaga Foundation (Sweden) makes grants for research in ecological agriculture and biological medicine. Universities, research institutes, etc., from all over the world are invited to apply, although Ekhaga recommends cooperation with a European institution.
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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

FLEGT in Countries with Partnership Agreements
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: International
FAO administers the EU's program of Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT). The program is open to government institutions, civil society, and private-sector organizations in timber-producing countries engaged in FLEGT's Voluntary Partnership Agreements (Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Central African Republic, Congo, Dem Rep Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Guyana, Honduras, Indonesia, Laos, Liberia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam). Grants are up to €100 thousand. The deadline for concept notes is 31 May 2014.
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Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

Ebbe Nielsen Prize and Young Researchers Award 2014
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: International
The GBIF is the largest biodiversity database on the internet, and it aims to promote better decisions to conserve and sustainably use the planet's biological resources. (ii) The Ebbe Nielsen Prize of €30 thousand is awarded each year to a promising researcher who combines biosystematics and biodiversity informatics research in an exciting and novel way. The prize funding enables the researcher to collaborate with partners outside of his/her home country. (ii) The Young Researchers Award of €4 thousand fosters innovative research in biodiversity informatics by graduate students in countries that participate in the GBIF network. The deadline for nominations (both types of awards) is 31 May 2014.
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Howard G. Buffett Foundation and Partners

40 Chances Fellowships
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Howard G. Buffett Foundation, Tony Blair's Africa Governance Initiative, and the World Food Prize co-sponsor the 40 Chances Fellows Program, based on the book "40 Chances: Finding Hope in a Hungry World." Selected fellows ages 18-39 will apply strategies of innovative social enterprise to address issues of hunger, conflict, and poverty in four countries: Liberia, Malawi, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone. Each of the four fellows will receive US$80 thousand in start-up funds and US$70 thousand for living and transportation expenses for one year. The application deadline is 31 May 2014.
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International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Masters Studies in Renewable Energy 2014-2016
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: International
IRENA offers up to 20 scholarships annually for masters studies in renewable energy at the MASDAR Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Priority is for applicants from developing countries. IRENA provides full financial support for two years. Instruction is in English, and applicants must meet academic and language requirements. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2014.
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International Social Science Council (ISSC)

Seed Grants for Transformations to Sustainability
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: International
ISSC's program "Transformations to Sustainability" will engage social scientists worldwide to help address the critical issues of sustainability in areas such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, water and food security, energy production and consumption, and others. ISSC announces seed grants of up to €30 thousand each to help applicants build partnerships with colleagues in other disciplines, fields, and countries in preparation for the main call for proposals to be launched in October 2014. The application deadline for the seed grants is 31 May 2014.
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Ornithological Society of the Middle East

Research Grants
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: UK
The OSME's Conservation and Research Fund makes grants to support bird research in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. Grants average about £500. Submission deadlines are 31 January; 31 May; and 30 September of each year.
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Oxford University International Growth Center

Research on Growth Policy in the Developing World
Deadline: 31 May 2014
Principal Office: UK
The International Growth Center (IGC) makes grants for research on key development themes (Research Program) and on selected developing countries of Asia and Africa (Country Program). The themes include policies related to energy access and sustainability (among others). The Country Program currently includes Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India (Central and Bihar), Liberia, Myanmar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Projects can be sponsored under either the Country or the Research Program, or jointly. The IGC will give priority to proposals that feature significant participation from the developing world. The application deadline is 31 May 2014.
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Agrinatura Association

Travel Grants to Tropentag 2014
Deadline: 1 June 2014
Principal Office: International
AGRINATURA is offering eight travel grants for MSc and PhD students participating at Tropentag in the Czech Republic, September 2014. Each grant is €500 for individuals at AGRINATURA's member institutions. The application deadline is 01 June 2014.
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Global Forest Watch

Small Grants Fund for Civil Society Organizations
Deadline: 1 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The World Resources Institute and over 40 partners established Global Forest Watch (GFW) to provide reliable information about the world's forest cover using a combination of satellite technology, open data, and crowd sourcing. GFW's Small Grants Fund announces grants in the range of US$10 thousand to US$40 thousand to nonprofit civil society organizations that use GFW to improve forest management and local livelihoods. Projects can use GFW as a means to communicate with grassroots communities; to advocate for improved forest management; to create new information about forests or to validate existing information; and in other ways to help civil society better manage forests and sustain livelihoods. The deadline for pre-applications is 01 June 2014.
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Riverbanks Zoo and Garden

International Wildlife Conservation
Deadline: 1 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Riverbanks Zoo and Garden (USA) makes grants for field conservation; habitat management; conservation education; ex situ captive breeding; animal health and welfare; and other themes in wildlife research and conservation. Grants generally range from US$1 thousand to US$5 thousand. Beginning in 2014, the application deadlines are 01 June and 01 December.
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Roger Williams Park Zoo

Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund
Deadline: 1 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund makes grants of up to US$1 thousand to protect threatened wildlife and habitats worldwide. Priority is for projects that demonstrate a multi-disciplinary approach to ecosystem conservation, and that involve in-country collaborators. Applicants can be of any nationality.
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Waterloo Foundation

Management and Conservation of Tropical Rainforests
Deadline: 1 June 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Waterloo Foundation manages an Environmental Fund that supports projects to manage and conserve tropical rainforests and marine resources. Applications are invited from UK charities in partnerships with local organizations in the developing world, and from non-UK organizations that can provide suitable references. The majority of grants range from £50 thousand to £100 thousand for projects of up to three years. The next application deadline for the tropical forests program is 01 June 2014.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Grants for International Scientific Meetings in Developing Countries
Deadline: 1 June 2014
Principal Office: International
TWAS makes grants in support of conferences, workshops, symposia, and special meetings in developing countries. Requests are submitted by the organizers of the meetings (i.e., not by individual participants). Grants are intended for air tickets, and do not normally exceed US$5 thousand. Application deadlines are 01 June and 01 December each year.
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Grants for Wetlands Conservation in Mexico
Deadline: 2 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The USFWS makes grants for wetlands conservation in Mexico in support of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act to benefit migratory birds. Grant-funded activities may include technical training, education, studies, or support for organizational infrastructure. Eligibility extends to individuals, corporations, associations, educational institutions, government entities, and international organizations. Grants can range from US$10 thousand to US$1 million, and require a 1:1 resource match. Funding Opportunity F14AS00142. The application deadline is 02 June 2014.
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UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

Research on Climate Variability in Africa
Deadline: 2 June 2014
Principal Office: UK
Jointly with the UK's Department for International Development (DFID), NERC calls for proposals for the Global Climate Model Development for Africa Project. This is one element of the newly launched Future Climate for Africa research program. NERC/DFID anticipate funding a single consortium project for up to £3 million for a maximum of four years. Notifications of intent should be submitted before 02 June 2014.
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Dutch Postcode Lottery

Green Challenge 2014
Deadline: 3 June 2014
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Dutch Postcode Lottery offers the Green Challenge to encourage the development of products and services that contribute to an environmental lifestyle; that reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and that rate highly in aspects of quality, design, and convenience. The competition is open globally. The Green Challenge accepts business plans through 03 June 2014.
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European Commission (EC)

Agro-Silvicultural Development in Madagascar
Deadline: 4 June 2014
Principal Office: International
The EC aims to strengthen livelihoods in local regions around Antanarivo through investments in horticulture and fruit production, aquaculture, poultry production, and wood-based energy. Eligibility for funding extends to qualified nonprofit organizations in the EU, European Economic Area, ACP countries (including Madagascar), and least-developed countries. Reference EuropeAid/135812/DD/ACT/MG. The deadline for concept notes is 04 June 2014.
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International Council for Science (ICSU)

Antarctic Research 2014
Deadline: 4 June 2014
Principal Office: International
ICSU's Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) invites applications for its three programs of fellowships and scholarships. The aim is to encourage the active involvement of early-career Antarctic researchers, and to strengthen international capacity and cooperation in the spirit of the Antarctic Treaty. The application deadline is 04 June 2014
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U.S. Agency for International Development

Climate Change and Highland Water Systems in Peru
Deadline: 6 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
USAID-Lima announces funding for projects of up to three years that aim to reduce the impact of climate change on glaciated and highland wetland ecosystems in Peru. The program is open to applicants from NGOs (Peruvian and international), for-profit organizations, universities and research institutes, and consortia and partnerships of the preceding. Funding Opportunity APS-527-13-000002.
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U.S. Agency for International Development

Water, Sanitation, and Health in South Sudan
Deadline: 6 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
USAID funds programs in WASH (water, sanitation, and health) to contribute towards disaster prevention and relief. The current call for proposals aims to increase access to improved water supply and to promote improved sanitation and hygiene in targeted rural areas of South Sudan. The program is open to applications from organizations, either individually or in consortia. Funding Opportunity APS-OFDA-14-000001.
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Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)

Food and Business Global Challenges, Round 2
Deadline: 8 June 2014
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Food and Business Global Challenges program defines two priority areas for research and innovation: inclusive business models for food security; and regional trade for food security. Proposals are invited from research teams and other public and private partners in the Netherlands and at least one low or middle-income country. Fast-track projects of 2-3 years are up to €250 thousand. Integrated projects are 4-5 years and up to €600 thousand. Fast-track proposals require a letter of intent before 08 June 2014. The deadline for preliminary proposals (fast-track and integrated projects) is 08 July 2014.
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British Council

Workshops for Collaborative Research, UK with Partner Countries
Deadline: 9 June 2014
Principal Office: UK
The British Council sponsors "Researcher Links" to promote international collaboration between researchers in the UK and partner countries. The program funds travel grants and workshops. Applicants to the current call for workshop coordinators should be leading researchers, with one coordinator based at a UK institution and one based in a partner country. The applicants can be of any nationality, but must be based in the UK or one of the partner countries (Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam). The application deadline is 09 June 2014.
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Toyota Motor Corporation

Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program 2014
Deadline: 10 June 2014
Principal Office: Japan
Toyota makes grants to support environmental activities implemented by nonprofit organizations on environmental themes that vary from year to year. The themes in 2013 and again in 2014 are "biodiversity conservation" and "counter measures to global warming." Grants are made in Japan and overseas (i.e., internationally). The international program is open to applicants in Japan, and international partners in collaboration with Japanese groups. The application deadline is 10 June 2014.
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CRDF Global

Bio Risks in Indonesia
Deadline: 13 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
CRDF Global in collaboration with the the Indonesian Biorisk Association the the U.S. Department of State's Biosecurity Engagement Program announce grants for managing bio risks in Indonesia. The program funds enhancements and training for biosecurity in Indonesia, including at animal facilities. Grants are up to US$15 thousand for projects of six months (extensions may be possible). The application deadline is 13 June 2014.
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Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences

International Awards for Young Agricultural Researchers 2014
Deadline: 13 June 2014
Principal Office: Japan
JIRCAS makes awards of US$5 thousand to each of up to three young agricultural researchers in developing countries who contribute to outstanding research and development in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and related themes. Candidates need to be younger than age 40. The deadline for applications is 13 June 2014.
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Toyota Foundation

International Grant Program 2014
Deadline: 13 June 2014
Principal Office: Japan
The Foundation makes grants for projects in Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan in thematic areas that include renewable energy. Applicants are multi-disciplinary teams or networks, with preference for participants from the target countries. The application deadline is 13 June 2014.
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Conservation International

Indigenous and Traditional Peoples Conservation Fellowship 2014-2015
Deadline: 15 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
Conservation International (CI) offers the Indigenous Leaders Conservation Fellowship for leaders from indigenous and traditional peoples in East Africa, Asia (Mekong Delta and Indonesia), and the Amazon Basin. One fellowship will focus on traditional knowledge, climate change, and biodiversity. Two fellowships will focus on gender dynamics, women’s empowerment in natural resources management, and traditional knowledge. The application deadline is 15 June 2014
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European Microfinance Platform

Microfinance and the Environment
Deadline: 15 June 2014
Principal Office: International
The 5th European Microfinance Award will highlight opportunities for microfinance to improve environmental issues in the developing world ("South"). The Award aims to recognize institutions that engage in environmental governance and initiatives that go above and beyond "business as usual." Eligible institutions have to be active in the financial services sector and be based in a developing country. Joint initiatives from a financial service provider in a developing country and a European partner are encouraged. However, the Award of €100 thousand will be given to the partner based in the developing country. The closing date for applications is 15 June 2014.
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European Union and Global Environment Facility

Support to NGOs in Morocco for Environmental Governance
Deadline: 15 June 2014
Principal Office: International
The EU, GEF, and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) are partners to strengthen the capacity of NGOs in Morocco for environmental governance. Eligibility extends to legally registered NGOs in Morocco that have an environmental mission. Grants are a maximum of US$50 thousand for up to 18 months. The deadline for project proposals is 15 June 2014.
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French Global Environment Facility (FFEM)

Biodiversity and Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
Deadline: 15 June 2014
Principal Office: France
In partnership with the French Committee of IUCN, the FFEM announces its 2014 call for small-scale initiatives (PPI) addressing biodiversity conservation and the fight against climate change in West Africa, Madagascar, and Mozambique. Priority is for African NGOs, and international organizations that support them, for grants that average €35 thousand (up to 75% of total project costs). The deadline for pre-proposals is 15 June 2014.
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KfW Stiftung

Bernhard Grzimek Prize for Biodiversity
Deadline: 15 June 2014
Principal Office: Germany
The KfW Foundation awards the Bernhard Grzimek Prize to individuals and organizations operating on an international scale that significantly deepen public understanding of the challenges and solutions to protect biodiversity. The Prize has five categories. The prize winners receive € 50 thousand. Nominations are invited from anyone worldwide, with a deadline of 15 June 2014.
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Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)

WASH Media Awards 2014
Deadline: 15 June 2014
Principal Office: International
The WSSCC welcomes entries for the 5th edition of the WASH Media Awards. Six awards will be made to journalists across four types of media who have a positive influence on politicians, business persons, civil society representatives, and individual citizens on issues of water and sanitation. Entries are invited from any developing or middle-income country. Prize winners will receive a cash award and the opportunity to participate in the World Water Week in Stockholm. The deadline for entries is 15 June 2014.
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World Summit Youth Award

Social IT to Support the Millennium Development Goals
Deadline: 15 June 2014
Principal Office: Austria
The WSYA is a competition among committed and creative designers, producers, application developers, journalists, and writers who use internet and mobile applications to create digital content and applications which address the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The competition invites entries in six categories from persons younger than age 30. The winners are invited to the WSYA event to present their projects to leaders in business, ICT, and the UN. The deadline for submissions is 15 June 2014.
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European Commission (EC)

Improved Forest Management in Malawi
Deadline: 16 June 2014
Principal Office: International
The EC announces Phase II of the Improved Forest Management for Sustainable Livelihoods Program in Malawi. The program aims to improve the livelihoods of forest dependent communities through the participatory management of forests, both in forest reserves and on customary land. Grants will range from € 1.2 million to € 1.3 million in two lots, varying with cost shares. Eligibility extends to qualified organizations in the EU and its candidate countries; the European Economic Area; the ACP states (including Malawi); and least-developed countries. Reference EuropeAid/135843/DD/ACT/MW. The deadline for concept notes is 16 June 2014.
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German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Green Talents Competition 2014
Deadline: 16 June 2014
Principal Office: Germany
"Green Talents" annually makes 25 awards to individuals worldwide for their original solutions for a more sustainable future. The winning applicants are invited to a two-week science forum and networking program in Germany, followed by the opportunity of a return visit to conduct research in Germany. Past winners include many in renewable energy, water management, and environmental engineering. The application deadline is 16 June 2014.
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Scottish Government

Climate Justice Fund, Round 2
Deadline: 16 June 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Scottish Government makes grants supporting the development of climate adaptation solutions in Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia. Projects should focus on improved water management as an adaptive strategy. Grants of £400 thousand to £500 thousand or more will be awarded over a two-year period. Priority is for projects that create links between communities in Scotland and climate-vulnerable communities in Africa, and that address climate justice through a human-rights based approach The application deadline is 16 June 2014.
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Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Research in Tropical Forests
Deadline: 20 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The CTFS-SIGEO Grants Program supports tropical forest research by senior researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students. Social scientists and natural scientists of all nationalities are eligible. Preference is to scientists in the countries that have CTFS-SIGEO sites, and to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. Most grants will range from US$2 thousand to US$15 thousand. The deadline for applications is 20 June 2014.
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Brazilian Government

Science Without Borders
Deadline: 23 June 2014
Principal Office: Brazil
Science Without Borders is a joint effort of Brazil's Ministry of Education (MEC) and Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT). The program aims to place Brazilian students and researchers in top universities worldwide. The program also makes grants to attract talented young researchers from outside the country to work in Brazil. Grants in the "Young Talent" program are for one to three years in the priority areas of Science Without Borders -- including sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, disaster prevention, biodiversity and bio-prospecting, marine sciences, and others. The application deadlines are 07 April 2014, 23 June 2014, and 15 September 2014.
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European Commission (EC)

Food Security in North Korea
Deadline: 24 June 2014
Principal Office: International
The EC announces funding to strengthen food security initiatives in the DPR Korea. The program will introduce cooperative farms and rural communities to efficient agricultural, environmental, and management methods (i.e., community-based projects). Secondly, the program will build the in-house capacity of Korean technical ministries, institutions, and universities to address the issues of food security (i.e., partnership projects). The program is open to qualified nonprofit organizations in the EU, international organizations, and co-applicants. Reference EuropeAid/135866/DH/ACT/KP. The deadline for concept notes is 24 June 2014.
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U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Integrated Pest Management
Deadline: 24 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The IPM Innovation Lab will engage U.S. university capacity to conduct research on integrated pest management (IPM) and address key issues related to the adoption of IPM strategies and technologies by smallholder farmers in the developing world. USAID will make one Leader Award and multiple Associate Awards to eligible U.S. colleges and universities. Funding Opportunity RFA-OAA-14-000018. The closing date is 24 June 2014.
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German Government

International Climate Initiative 2015
Deadline: 25 June 2014
Principal Office: Germany
Germany's BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety) funds the International Climate Initiative (IKI) to support projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity projects that have climate relevance. Most projects are led by German and international organizations with partners in developing and emerging countries. Grants are generally over €200 thousand, and sometimes much larger, for projects that are usually two to four years. The closing date for project outlines is 25 June 2014.
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Campus France

Hubert Curien Partnerships 2014
Deadline: 26 June 2014
Principal Office: France
The Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) support France's international exchanges in science and technology with several developed and developing countries. Research partnerships often focus on topics in agriculture, renewable energy, water resources, and others related to environment and natural resources. Calls for proposals in 2014 include the following: Egypt ("Imhotep"), deadline 19 May; Algeria ("Tassili"), deadline 30 May; Iran ("Gundishapur"), deadline 26 June; Thailand ("Siam"), deadline 15 July; South Africa ("Protea"), deadline 25 July; and Indonesia ("Nusantara"), deadline 01 August. Applicants should review the themes, application criteria, and contact information for each program.
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EC Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020)

Sustainable Agro-Food Systems in Africa
Deadline: 26 June 2014
Principal Office: International
The EC announces funding to create a long-term research partnership between Europe and Africa on sustainable intensification of African agro-food systems. The partnership potentially includes participation from EU member states and associated countries; African countries; regional organizations in the EU and Africa; sub-regional coordination bodies on research and innovation for agro-food systems; and the private sector. The EC suggests that proposals should request about €1 million. Program SFS-06-2014.
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UK Natural Environment Research Council

Doctoral Research on Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems (ZELS)
Deadline: 26 June 2014
Principal Office: UK
ZELS is a research program of several UK government organizations to minimize the health risks associated with the rapidly changing nature of livestock systems in developing countries. On behalf of all partners in ZELS, NERC is managing a call for for doctoral training. Applications are restricted to consortia that already have ZELS grants, and that would be interested in hosting a cohort of 15 doctoral students. About half of these individuals will be from developing countries. The application deadline is 26 June 2014.
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U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Borlaug Cocoa Fellowships for Latin America and the Caribbean 2014
Deadline: 27 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The USDA, in cooperation with the World Cocoa Foundation, invites applications from candidates in six Latin American and Caribbean countries for the Cocoa Borlaug Fellowships. The eligible countries are Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, and Trinidad and Tobago. The selected fellows will work with a mentor at a U.S. university, research center, or government agency for up to three months. The application deadline is 27 June 2014.
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U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Borlaug Cocoa Fellowships for Asia 2014
Deadline: 27 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The USDA, in cooperation with the World Cocoa Foundation, invites applications from candidates in five Asian countries for the Cocoa Borlaug Fellowships. The eligible countries are India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Vietnam. The selected fellows will work with a mentor at a U.S. university, research center, or government agency for up to three months. The application deadline is 27 June 2014.
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University of Michigan

MobiPrize 2014
Deadline: 27 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The MobiPrize celebrates entrepreneurs that are helping to improve communities and regions through sustainable transportation. The Grand Mobi Prize of US$15 thousand is for the business venture that has the greatest impact on improving quality of life, addressing human rights, improving safety, and revitalizing the environment and economy of communities and regions through sustainable transportation. Applications are invited from legally registered businesses anywhere in the world that have been in operation for at least six months. The application deadline is 27 June 2014.
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Volkswagen Foundation

Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Social Sciences in Sub-Saharan and North Africa
Deadline: 27 June 2014
Principal Office: Germany
In partnership with the Gulbenkian Foundation, the Volkswagen Foundation's program "Knowledge for Tomorrow" welcomes applications for post-doc fellowships in all disciplines of the social sciences. Research projects of three years are developed and carried out by African scholars and scientists in close cooperation with German partners. The deadline for pre-proposals is 27 June 2014.
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African Bird Club

Conservation Awards and Expedition Awards
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: UK
The ABC Conservation Awards (up to £1,500) support small and medium-sized bird conservation projects in Africa. Applicants should be resident in Africa. The ABC Expedition Awards (up to £2,000) take place within continental Africa or adjacent islands, with a strong base in conservation and birds. Applications for both programs are due before the end of February, June, and October.
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Australian Government

Australia Awards Endeavor Scholarships and Fellowships 2015
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: Australia
The Endeavor Awards provide opportunities for citizens of the Asia-Pacific region, Middle East, Europe, and the Americas to undertake study, research, and professional development in Australia. The program also supports outgoing Australians. The categories of awards vary by purpose, funding levels, duration (short and long-term), and country eligibility. The application deadline is 30 June 2014.
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BBVA Foundation

Awards in Frontiers of Knowledge
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: Spain
The BBVA Foundation annually makes awards to recognize innovative and fundamental advances in science, culture, and collaboration. Thematic areas include ecology and conservation biology; climate change; and development cooperation (among others). BBVA awards ?400 thousand plus a diploma and a commemorative artwork in each prize category. The awards are open to individuals and organizations of any nationality. The deadline for nominations is 30 June 2014.
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Chester Zoo

Grants for Research and Conservation
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: UK
Chester Zoo supports a variety of small conservation projects each year to conserve threatened species worldwide. Grants support training and education, species monitoring, habitat protection, and other aims consistent with the Zoo's activities and support. Applications are accepted during three review periods that conclude 31 March, 30 June, and 31 October of each year.
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Crawford Fund

Asia-Pacific Research in Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: Australia
The Crawford Fund Fellowship supports a scientist in agriculture, fisheries, or forestry from the Asia-Pacific countries for additional training in Australia. The Fellowship is offered annually to an agricultural scientist below the age of 35 years in one the following countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Cambodia, East Timor, Fiji, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Kiribati, Vanuatu, and Vietnam. Nominations must be made by two proposers, one of whom must be an Australian. Self-nominations are not accepted. The closing date for nominations is 30 June 2014.
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Dubai Municipality

Dubai International Award for Best Practices
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: United Arab Emirates
The Dubai Municipality collaborates with UN Habitat to offer Best Practices Awards for outstanding contributions to improve the living environment, particularly for poor and disadvantaged populations. The categories of best practices include awards for organizations (i.e., NGOs and associations), businesses and enterprises, university research, and individuals. The deadline for submissions requesting feedback is 01 March 2014. The final deadline is 31 March 2014 (extended to 30 June 2014).
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Climate Co-Lab 2014
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Climate Co-Lab aims to gather and apply collective intelligence from around the world to address global climate change. The Co-Lab posts contests to invite the best ideas to prevent and adapt to climate change. Some contests pose social and political questions, while others focus on issues in science and technology. The contest winners will be invited to a conference in late 2014 at MIT, where a grand prize of US$10 thousand will be awarded. Most contests have deadlines on either 30 June 2014 or 20 July 2014.
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Maypole Fund

Small Grants from Women to Women
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Maypole Fund makes grants up to £750 to support women in imaginative, non-violent, and politically expressive projects in subject areas that include environmental issues (among several others). Maypole welcomes applications from women who do not have access to other sources of money, or whose projects find it difficult to attract funding elsewhere. The application deadlines are 31 January and 30 June of each year.
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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund

Grants in Support of Endangered and Critically Endangered Species
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: United Arab Emirates
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund makes grants to individuals, communities, and organizations for the conservation of animal, plant, and fungi species worldwide. Grants are up to US$25 thousand. Application deadlines in year 2014 are 28 February; 30 June; and 31 October.
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Neotropical Bird Club

Conservation Research in Latin America and the Caribbean
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Neotropical Bird Club offers research grants up to $1,500 for conservation work, or for research which may be of conservation benefit. Awards are for projects carried out by nationals and/or residents of countries in the Neotropics (i.e. the Caribbean, Central America, and South America). Application guidelines are available in English and Spanish. The deadlines are 30 June and 31 December of each year.
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Project Inspire

Entrepreneurship and Business Literacy for Women and Girls
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: International
Project Inspire promotes projects that empower disadvantaged women and girls in the developing world through entrepreneurship and business literacy. Submissions must focus on existing projects that benefit women and girls in the Asia-Pacific region, Africa, or the Middle East. Projects in past years included examples in livestock raising, bee keeping, solar lamps, and renewable energy (among others). The winning project will be awarded US$25 thousand for implementation. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2014.
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Society for Marine Mammalogy

Research Grants for Emerging and Developing Countries
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: International
The Society for Marine Mammalogy makes grants to its members who are nationals of emerging and developing countries. Grants are for up to US$1,500 for field research by early career researchers. The application period is 01 June through 30 June each year.
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World Food Prize Foundation

World Food Prize and Borlaug Field Award
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: USA
The World Food Prize Foundation invites nominations for the World Food Prize, and for the Borlaug Field Award. The World Food Prize (US$250 thousand) recognizes an individual or individuals who have made outstanding achievements to enhance the world's food production and its distribution to those most in need. The Borlaug Field Award (US$10 thousand) recognizes science-based achievement in international agriculture and food production by an individual under age 40 in the challenge to eliminate global hunger and poverty. The deadlines for nominations are 01 May 2014 for the World Food Prize, and 30 June 2014 for the Borlaug Field Award.
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WWF in India

Small Grants Program
Deadline: 30 June 2014
Principal Office: India
WWF-India offers grants up to Rs. 200 thousand for conservation research or projects of six to twelve months. Grants are made to individuals to be utilized primarily for field activities and not administrative expenditures or capital assets. Priority is for research and conservation aligned with WWF's program in India. The next application deadline is 30 June 2014.
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North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Science for Peace and Security
Deadline: 1 July 2014
Principal Office: International
NATO's support for research in peace and security includes aspects of environment and energy in relation to climate change, water scarcity, increasing energy needs, disaster forecasts, and prevention of natural catastrophes (among others). Applications are invited from researchers in NATO's member countries and its partner countries -- including several in East Europe, Eurasia, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean region. The deadlines in 2014 are 01 March, 01 July, and 01 October.
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Research and Conservation of Wild Cats, Second Cycle 2014
Deadline: 1 July 2014
Principal Office: USA
Panthera makes grants for research and conservation of the world's populations of wild cats. (i) The Kaplan Graduate Award supports conservation and research in all areas of the world where wild cats are found. (ii) The Small Cat Action Fund provides grants for in situ conservation and research on the small cat species. (iii) The Liz Claiborne Art Ortenberg Foundation Jaguar Research Grant Program supports in situ conservation projects on jaguars. Applications are invited twice per year. Expressions of interest for the second cycle 2014 should be submitted from 01 June 2014 through 01 July 2014.
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Royal Society

International Exchanges
Deadline: 1 July 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Royal Society's International Exchanges Scheme makes grants to UK scientists who seek new international collaborations. The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, except clinical medicine. For the standard program (i.e., not specific to countries and/or focal areas), the deadlines in 2014 are 13 March, 01 July, and 28 October.
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European Commission (EC)

Support for Horticulture in Tanzania
Deadline: 8 July 2014
Principal Office: International
The European Development Fund invites proposals that support horticulture value chains for fruits, vegetables, and spices in Tanzania. Projects should focus on good agricultural practices and/or increasing farmers' market access and linkages. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations in member states of the EU; countries in the ACP-EU agreement (including Tanzania); and international organizations. Grants will range from €600 thousand to €1 million, varying with cost shares. Reference EuropeAid/135562/ID/ACT/TZ. The application deadline is 08 July 2014.
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Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)

Food and Business Global Challenges, Round 2
Deadline: 8 July 2014
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Food and Business Global Challenges program defines two priority areas for research and innovation: inclusive business models for food security; and regional trade for food security. Proposals are invited from research teams and other public and private partners in the Netherlands and at least one low or middle-income country. Fast-track projects of 2-3 years are up to €250 thousand. Integrated projects are 4-5 years and up to €600 thousand. Fast-track proposals require a letter of intent before 08 June 2014. The deadline for preliminary proposals (fast-track and integrated projects) is 08 July 2014.
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Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Support for International Students
Deadline: 10 July 2014
Principal Office: China
Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST) offers full or partial scholarships for 30 international doctoral students; 70 masters students; and 100 undergraduate students. Academic areas at NUST include environmental engineering, biotechnology, energy science, and many others. The application deadline is 10 July 2014.
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European Commission (EC)

Rural Development in Uzbekistan
Deadline: 14 July 2014
Principal Office: International
The EC announces funding to strengthen rural development in selected regions of Uzbekistan, with emphasis on agricultural diversification and strengthening. Grants will support pilot demonstrations of market-oriented agricultural production; quality and productivity improvements; and local development planning. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations in EU member states to lead projects of up to four years with consortia of Uzbek and European co-applicants. Reference EuropeAid/134526/DD/ACT/UZ. The closing date is 14 July 2014
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New England Biolabs Foundation

Grants for Grassroots Conservation
Deadline: 14 July 2014
Principal Office: USA
The New England Biolabs Foundation makes grants to grassroots and charitable organizations to support conservation of biological diversity; ecosystem services; community food security; and marine environment. The geographical scope focuses on Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras in the Gulf of Honduras; Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru in the Andean region; and Ghana and Cameroon in West Africa. The Foundation occasionally makes grants in a few other countries where it has previous experience. Maximum grant size is US$10 thousand. In 2014, the deadlines for letters of inquiry (English, Spanish) are 07 March 2014 and 14 July 2014
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Zayed Future Energy Prize

Call for Submissions 2014
Deadline: 14 July 2014
Principal Office: United Arab Emirates
The Zayed Future Energy Prize recognizes innovation, long-term vision, and leadership in renewable energy and sustainability. The Prize is awarded across several categories: (i) Large corporations; (ii) Small and medium enterprises; (iii) NGOs; (iv) Lifetime achievements (i.e., of individuals); and (v) Global high schools, i.e., high schools in five world regions. The prize winners will divide US$4 million. The closing date for applications and nominations is 14 July 2014.
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Campus France

Hubert Curien Partnerships 2014
Deadline: 15 July 2014
Principal Office: France
The Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) support France's international exchanges in science and technology with several developed and developing countries. Research partnerships often focus on topics in agriculture, renewable energy, water resources, and others related to environment and natural resources. Calls for proposals in 2014 include the following: Egypt ("Imhotep"), deadline 19 May; Algeria ("Tassili"), deadline 30 May; Iran ("Gundishapur"), deadline 26 June; Thailand ("Siam"), deadline 15 July; South Africa ("Protea"), deadline 25 July; and Indonesia ("Nusantara"), deadline 01 August. Applicants should review the themes, application criteria, and contact information for each program.
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German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

NAMA Funding for Low-Carbon Development
Deadline: 15 July 2014
Principal Office: Germany
Germany's BMU is a partner of the UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change in establishing the NAMA Facility to address climate change (promotion of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions). The Facility announces its second call for project proposals from national governments and qualified delivery organizations in developing and emerging economies. The NAMA Facility has no regional or sectoral focus, and it is open to fund NAMAs across a range of countries and sectors. The deadline for concept outlines (i.e., preliminary proposals) is 15 July 2014.
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Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

Ramsar Wetlands Conservation Awards 2015
Deadline: 15 July 2014
Principal Office: International
The Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention calls for nominations for the sixth edition of the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards, which will be presented at the 12th meeting of the Conference of Ramsar's Contracting Parties in June 2015. The three awards are: (i) wetland wise use; (ii) wetland innovation; and (iii) young wetland champions. With funding donated by the Danone company, each award is US$10 thousand. The deadline for nominations is 15 July 2014.
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Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2015
Deadline: 15 July 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship fosters social entrepreneurs as a catalyst for social and environmental change, with an emphasis on under-served populations. The Social Entrepreneur of the Year Competitions take place in different world regions. Winners are invited to the regional meetings of the World Economic Forum, and are offered other networking opportunities. The deadline for the Global Competition is 15 July 2014.
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Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research

SFIAR Award 2014
Deadline: 15 July 2014
Principal Office: Switzerland
SFIAR annually awards a prize to scientists working at or in association with a Swiss institution in agricultural research for development. The best PhD or post-doc project wins CHF 5 thousand, and the best masters project CHF 1 thousand. The application deadline is 15 July 2014.
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UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

Future Climate for Africa
Deadline: 15 July 2014
Principal Office: UK
Jointly with the UK's Department for International Development (DFID), NERC calls for outline proposals in the newly launched Future Climate for Africa research program. The program aims to advance scientific understanding and prediction of African climate variability and change over medium-term time scales; use interdisciplinary research to support better integration of science into decision making; and support pilot studies to demonstrate the use of climate information and tools in real decisions. Proposals are invited for funding of up to £4 million full economic cost per consortium for projects of up to four years. NERC/DFID welcome international applicants, particularly those based in Sub-Saharan Africa. The closing date for outline proposals is 15 July 2014.
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Climate Co-Lab 2014
Deadline: 20 July 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Climate Co-Lab aims to gather and apply collective intelligence from around the world to address global climate change. The Co-Lab posts contests to invite the best ideas to prevent and adapt to climate change. Some contests pose social and political questions, while others focus on issues in science and technology. The contest winners will be invited to a conference in late 2014 at MIT, where a grand prize of US$10 thousand will be awarded. Most contests have deadlines on either 30 June 2014 or 20 July 2014.
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Campus France

Hubert Curien Partnerships 2014
Deadline: 25 July 2014
Principal Office: France
The Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) support France's international exchanges in science and technology with several developed and developing countries. Research partnerships often focus on topics in agriculture, renewable energy, water resources, and others related to environment and natural resources. Calls for proposals in 2014 include the following: Egypt ("Imhotep"), deadline 19 May; Algeria ("Tassili"), deadline 30 May; Iran ("Gundishapur"), deadline 26 June; Thailand ("Siam"), deadline 15 July; South Africa ("Protea"), deadline 25 July; and Indonesia ("Nusantara"), deadline 01 August. Applicants should review the themes, application criteria, and contact information for each program.
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U.S. Agency for International Development

Disaster Preparedness in Myanmar and Indonesia
Deadline: 26 July 2014
Principal Office: USA
USAID will make grants that aim to increase the capacity of Indonesia and Myanmar (Burma) to anticipate and prepare for the impacts of tropical storms, tsunamis and floods, and other natural disasters. Activities will take the form of training, hazard response planning, interventions to increase public awareness, and others. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations, and colleges and universities in the USA and other countries. Funding Opportunity APS-OFDA-14-000004.
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African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)

Masters Degrees in Agricultural Economics
Deadline: 30 July 2014
Principal Office: International
The Collaborative Masters of Agricultural and Applied Economics (CMAAE) is one of the AERC's postgraduate programs. Fellowships in CMAAE are available to qualified applicants to any of the eight participating universities in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. The application deadline is 30 July 2014.
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Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)

Academic Grants in Agriculture and Natural Resources
Deadline: 30 July 2014
Principal Office: International
SEARCA offers academic grants for graduate studies and research in agriculture, natural resources, and related fields at seven participating universities in Southeast Asia. Applications are invited from the following countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. Applicants should not be over 35 years old at the time of application. Each country has an internal deadline for SEARCA applications, and SEARCA requests complete submissions from the countries by 30 July 2014.
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Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

John Allwright Fellowship
Deadline: 31 July 2014
Principal Office: Australia
ACIAR awards the John Allwright Fellowship for university post-graduate studies in Australia. Applicants are citizens of ACIAR's priority partner countries, and engaged in an ACIAR collaborative project at the time of application. Each awardee pursues research at an Australian tertiary institution relevant to the project in which the awardee is engaged prior to taking up the award. The deadline for applications is 31 July of each year.
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Belmont Forum

Funding for Arctic Observation and Research
Deadline: 31 July 2014
Principal Office: International
The Belmont Forum's International Opportunities Fund in 2014 is an initiative to encourage inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary science that informs Arctic observing and research for sustainability. Participating countries in this Arctic call are Canada, China, France, Iceland, Italy, Norway, USA, and the World Ocean Council. All proposals must integrate across the natural sciences and social sciences, and they should include participation by three or more of the partner countries. The deadline for proposals is 31 July 2014.
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Club300 Foundation

Bird Protection
Deadline: 31 July 2014
Principal Office: Sweden
The Club300 Foundation, based in Sweden, makes grants of up to US$5 thousand for bird protection on a worldwide basis. The objective is research and conservation of the world's highly threatened and poorly known bird species (IUCN's Red List). The deadline for applications (English or Swedish) is 31 July of each year.
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European Outdoor Conservation Association

Grants for Conservation Projects
Deadline: 31 July 2014
Principal Office: International
The EOCA makes grants for field-based projects in wildlife conservation; protection of forests and wetlands; litter clean-up on trails and mountains; environmental education in local communities; and other initiatives in support of nature-based travel and tourism. Grants are to nonprofit organizations in amounts up to €30 thousand for projects of one to two years anywhere in the world (except North America). The next application period is 01 July 2014 through 31 July 2014.
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German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Post-Graduate Studies with Relevance to Developing Countries
Deadline: 31 July 2014
Principal Office: Germany
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports young professionals to study in development-related fields at German universities. Subject areas include energy, environmental management, water resources, and others. DAAD provides scholarships to participants from developing countries. The deadline to apply for DAAD scholarships (at the German embassies) is 31 July each year, although applicants need to confirm this.
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German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Postgraduate Studies in Germany 2015-2016
Deadline: 31 July 2014
Principal Office: Germany
DAAD offers scholarships for qualified applicants from developing countries who enroll at German universities for development-related studies, normally ranging from 12-36 months. Several offerings are available in agricultural and forest sciences; environmental sciences; and other subject areas. Application deadlines vary across the German universities and from program to program, but the usual deadline for DAAD scholarships applied for at German embassies is 31 July. However, applicants should carefully review the closing dates of each program.
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Group on Earth Observations

GEO Appathon 2014
Deadline: 31 July 2014
Principal Office: International
The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a voluntary partnership of governments and international organizations to facilitate, coordinate, and strengthen Earth observation data. The GEO Appathon is a global competition to develop useful applications (apps) that use Earth observation data. The competition is open to non-commercial individuals and teams -- including students, scientists, and developers. The top three winners will receive cash prizes (>US$20 thousand) and endorsements. The closing date for registration is 31 July 2014.
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Save Our Seas Foundation

Small Grants 2014
Deadline: 31 July 2014
Principal Office: International
Save Our Seas makes grants for marine research, conservation, and education worldwide. Projects should include at least two of these components and focus on charismatic megafauna -- particularly sharks, rays, and skates. Small grants are up to US$10 thousand for projects of up to one year. The next application period for small grants is 01 June through 31 July 2014.
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Campus France

Hubert Curien Partnerships 2014
Deadline: 1 August 2014
Principal Office: France
The Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) support France's international exchanges in science and technology with several developed and developing countries. Research partnerships often focus on topics in agriculture, renewable energy, water resources, and others related to environment and natural resources. Calls for proposals in 2014 include the following: Egypt ("Imhotep"), deadline 19 May; Algeria ("Tassili"), deadline 30 May; Iran ("Gundishapur"), deadline 26 June; Thailand ("Siam"), deadline 15 July; South Africa ("Protea"), deadline 25 July; and Indonesia ("Nusantara"), deadline 01 August. Applicants should review the themes, application criteria, and contact information for each program.
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Fulbright Scholar Program

Core Program for U.S. Faculty and Professionals 2015-2016
Deadline: 1 August 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Fulbright Scholar Program invites applications from U.S. scholars for research, teaching, and creative arts in an international context. Eligibility criteria include U.S. citizenship and a PhD or equivalent professional degree. The available openings include several in the developing world in subjects related to agriculture, environmental and biological sciences, geography, and others. The deadline for applications is 01 August 2014.
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New Zealand Aid Program

Development Scholarships 2015
Deadline: 1 August 2014
Principal Office: New Zealand
New Zealand's government provides a variety of opportunities for training and university study through the New Zealand Aid Program, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The priorities often include agriculture, renewable energy, fisheries, disaster risk management, and other areas related to natural resources and environment. Application deadlines are specific to each country/regional program. The deadline for applicants from Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean is 01 August 2014. The deadlines for Pacific countries and Asian countries fall mainly in May through August 2014
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Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)

Research and Training in Food Security
Deadline: 1 August 2014
Principal Office: International
The Seed Fund for Research and Training (SFRT) is open to individuals in ASEAN member countries for competitive grants up to US$15 thousand in research and training related to agriculture and rural development. Applications are due before 01 August of each year.
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Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)

International Training Programs
Deadline: 1 August 2014
Principal Office: Sweden
Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The Global program includes courses in the following subject areas in year 2014: (i) efficient energy use and planning, with submission deadlines 01 February and 01 August 2014; and (ii) integrated sustainable coastal development, with submission deadline 01 March 2014. Information about course content and eligibility are included with each course description. Note: Interested individuals should follow the website for additional courses that may be announced, including at regional levels.
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Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Training Programs for Energy
Deadline: 1 August 2014
Principal Office: Sweden
In cooperation with training organizations in Sweden and elsewhere, Sida's International Training Programs focus on capacity building for participants from developing countries in a range of subject areas, including energy. Applications are welcomed for "Efficient Energy Use and Planning" scheduled for November-December 2014 (Phase 1) and again in February 2015. The application deadlines are 15 May 2014 and 01 August 2014, respectively.
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Western Bird Banding Association (WBBA)

Small Grants for Bird Research and Monitoring in the Americas
Deadline: 1 August 2014
Principal Office: USA
The WBBA makes two grants each year, one in bird research and the other in bird monitoring, for projects in the New World (i.e., the Americas). Applications are open to individuals and organizations. Grants are US$1 thousand. Applications are due by 01 August of each year.
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World Wildlife Fund U.S.

Grants for Conservation Workshops 2014-2015
Deadline: 1 August 2014
Principal Office: USA
WWF-US offers up to US$7,500 for workshops that train communities, stakeholders, park guards, and others on conservation issues. Applying organizations must have an established presence in an eligible country (countries are listed in the announcement). The workshops should focus on practical skills and field activities to increase local learning and build capacity. The next application deadlines are 01 May 2014; 01 August 2014; 01 November 2014; and 01 February 2015.
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International Elephant Foundation

Elephant Conservation and Research 2015
Deadline: 15 August 2014
Principal Office: USA
The International Elephant Foundation makes grants for conservation and research of elephants. Eligibility extends to organizations and individuals internationally -- including students, scientists, and institutions. The program has three categories: (i) African elephant conservation in situ; (ii) Asian elephant conservation in situ; and (iii) Ex situ elephant conservation and research. The Foundation prefers grant requests of less than US$10 thousand. The application deadline in all categories is 15 August 2014.
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Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust

Grants for Research and Training 2014
Deadline: 15 August 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Trust makes grants for education and research in ornamental horticulture, primarily in North and South America. Applicants include botanical gardens, arboreta, universities, and other nonprofit charitable organizations. Grants are up to $20 thousand. The application deadline is 15 August 2014.
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U.S. National Science Foundation

International Research Experiences for U.S. University Students
Deadline: 19 August 2014
Principal Office: USA
Through the program IRES, the National Science Foundation supports U.S. university students (graduate and undergraduate) to engage in international research. Past fellowships include several in developing countries in subject areas such as ecology, renewable energy, climate change, and others. Proposals are due 19 August 2014.
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Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

John Dillon Fellowship for Young Agricultural Scientists
Deadline: 31 August 2014
Principal Office: Australia
ACIAR awards the John Dillon Fellowships to young agricultural scientists and economists in developing countries for professional visits to Australia. The fellowships aim to develop leadership skills in agricultural research management, agricultural policy, and/or extension technologies. Applicants are citizens of ACIAR's priority partner countries who spend several weeks at one or two host Australian organizations. ACIAR funds eight to ten John Dillon fellowships per year. The deadline for applications is 31 August of each year.
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Christensen Fund

Grants for Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity
Deadline: 31 August 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Christensen Fund makes grants to indigenous-led and community-based organizations for projects that combine biodiversity with cultural diversity. Most grants are in the range of US$50 thousand to US$100 thousand for one or two years. Application dates are 01 August through 31 August for project pre-proposals in the following programs: African Rift Valley; Central Asia; Northwest Mexico; Global; and SF Bay Region. The application period is 01 September through 30 September for projects in Melanesia.
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Monsanto Fund

Grants to Strengthen Farming Communities
Deadline: 31 August 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Monsanto Fund makes grants in support of agricultural communities around the world. Grants of US$25 thousand and more are available to tax-exempt charitable organizations for activities and projects that address farmers' education and training; food security; community water and sanitation; and other local needs. Monsanto's international grants are administered at the country level; interested persons should contact the Fund's national liaison. The second yearly application period is 01 July 2014 through 31 August 2014.
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Grants for Environmental Protection
Deadline: 31 August 2014
Principal Office: USA
Patagonia makes grants to support nonprofit organizations for campaigns to preserve and protect the environment. Thematic areas are alternative energy, biodiversity, forests, sustainable agriculture, water/marine issues, and others. Eligible countries include Argentina and Chile. Grants are a maximum of US$12 thousand. Proposals are submitted through Patagonia?s retail stores at any time of the year, or online before 30 April and 31 August of each year.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

COMSTECH-TWAS Research Grants 2014
Deadline: 31 August 2014
Principal Office: International
Grants up to US$15 thousand are available to individual young scientists in countries belonging to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Renewable energy is among the eligible subject areas. The application deadline is 31 August each year.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

PhD Fellowships in India
Deadline: 31 August 2014
Principal Office: International
TWAS collaborates with several institutions in India to offer PhD fellowships across a range of science areas. They include the following programs: TWAS-CSIR (Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research); TWAS-DBT (Indian Department of Biotechnology); TWAS - SN Bose (Indian N.S. Bose National Center for Basic Science); and TWAS-IACS (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science). The application deadline for each of these programs is 31 August 2014.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Post-Doctoral Programs in India
Deadline: 31 August 2014
Principal Office: International
TWAS collaborates with several institutions in India to offer post-doc opportunities across a range of science areas. They include the following programs: TWAS-CSIR (Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research); TWAS-DBT (Indian Department of Biotechnology); TWAS - SN Bose (Indian N.S. Bose National Center for Basic Science); and TWAS-IACS (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science). The application deadline for each of these programs is 31 August 2014.
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World Wildlife Fund (WWF-U.S)

International Smart Gear Competition 2014
Deadline: 31 August 2014
Principal Office: USA
The International Smart Gear Competition seeks innovative ways to reduce the amount of fisheries by-catch while protecting the environment. The contest is open worldwide and will be judged by fisheries experts, gear technologists, fishermen, scientists, researchers, and conservationists. The grand prize is US$30 thousand, and several additional prizes will be offered. The deadline is 31 August 2014.
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American Orchid Society

Annual Conservation Awards
Deadline: 1 September 2014
Principal Office: USA
The American Orchid Society sponsors the Conservation Recognition Awards to honor outstanding work in orchid conservation. One prize focuses on conservation in North America; the other has no geographical limitations. Prizes are US$500. The closing date for nominations is 01 September each year.
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Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative for Leadership by Young Environmentalists
Deadline: 1 September 2014
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative offers grants to advance the leadership and learning of junior persons working for -- or affiliated with -- environmental civil society organizations in developing and emerging countries. JWH especially encourages the nomination of young women and local community leaders. The next nomination deadline is 01 September 2014.
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Rabinowitz-Kaplan Prize for the Next Generation in Cat Conservation
Deadline: 1 September 2014
Principal Office: USA
Each year, Panthera gives a prize in the amount of US$15 thousand to an individual under the age of 40 who has already made a significant contribution to conserving wild cats. The award is to individuals representing the next generation of scientists, conservationists, policy makers, politicians and planners who will determine the future of wild cat conservation. The application period is 01 June 2014 through 01 September 2014.
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Prince Bernhard Nature Fund

Projects to Conserve Flora and Fauna
Deadline: 1 September 2014
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Prince Bernhard Nature Fund (Netherlands) aims to help save critically endangered flora and fauna in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It gives funding preference to organizations in these regions, sometimes in partnership with parties in Europe or North America. Grants are up to €25 thousand. The application deadlines are 01 March and 01 September each year.
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Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Building Stronger Universities in Partner Developing Countries
Deadline: 4 September 2014
Principal Office: Denmark
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs invites Danish universities to submit expressions of interest in being partners with selected universities in Ghana, Nepal, Tanzania, and Uganda under the "Building Stronger Universities, Phase II." The program includes eight universities in Denmark and seven in the partner countries. Themes for the partnerships include agriculture, among others (varying by partner universities). The deadline for expressions of interest is 09 April 2014.
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U.S. National Science Foundation

Geography and Spatial Sciences Program 2014
Deadline: 4 September 2014
Principal Office: USA
The NSF funds an annual competition for research on the geographic distributions and interactions of human, physical, and biotic systems on the Earth's surface. Projects on a variety of topics (U.S. and international) qualify for support if they offer promise of enhancing geographical knowledge, concepts, theories, methods, and their application to societal problems and concerns. Past projects include several in the world's developing countries related to environmental disasters, waste management, marine spatial planning, wildlife conservation, and others. The deadline for regular proposals is 04 September 2014.
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Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Grants for Development Research 2015
Deadline: 5 September 2014
Principal Office: Denmark
Through the Danish Fellowship Center, Denmark's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces funding in support of development research. Applicants in Denmark choose "North Driven" for research and capacity building in the priority countries of Danish international assistance. Applicants in Ghana, Nepal, and Tanzania choose "South Driven." Themes in "South Driven" include natural resources management, climate change, and others. In both programs, the deadline for Phase I applications is 05 September 2014.
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Toyota Foundation

Research Grants 2014
Deadline: 5 September 2014
Principal Office: Japan
The Toyota Foundation supports a Research Grants Program on the general theme of knowledge to build a better future. Grants will be made to organizations as well as individuals. There are no restrictions by nationality, affiliation, academic background, or area of residence. Past grants in this program include several in areas related to agriculture, environment, and natural resources. The application period is 25 August through 05 September 2014.
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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Emerging Agricultural Research Leaders in Africa (PEARL)
Deadline: 7 September 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds the Program for Emerging Agricultural Research Leaders (PEARL) to advance agricultural research with the potential to increase the sustainable productivity of smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. The call is for projects led by MSc and PhD scientists at national agricultural research institutions and universities in Sub-Saharan Africa, working in collaboration with other researchers internationally (either within Africa or beyond the continent). The 2014 PEARL call is restricted to proposals relevant to staple crops grown in Africa. The Foundation invites research pre-proposals (English or French) before 07 September 2014.
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British Ecological Society

Research Grants and Outreach Grants
Deadline: 8 September 2014
Principal Office: UK
The BES makes Research Grants in support of scientific ecological research where there are limited alternative sources of funding. Small projects can be awarded up to £5 thousand, and early-career ecologists can apply for funding up to £20 thousand. There are no restrictions on nationality or residence of applicants, or where they carry out their research work. Additionally, BES offers Outreach Grants of up to £2 thousand to encourage its members and others to promote ecological science to a wide audience. The application deadlines are 03 March 2014 and 08 September 2014 for both types of grants
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British Ecological Society

Ecologists in Africa
Deadline: 8 September 2014
Principal Office: UK
The BES makes grants for ecologists in Africa to carry out innovative ecological research. Applicants must be scientists and citizens of a country in Africa or its associated islands; have at least an MSc or equivalent degree; be working for a university or research institution in Africa that provides basic research facilities; and carry out the research in a country in Africa or its associated islands. The maximum value of a grant is £8 thousand for research. An additional sum up to £2 thousand may be requested to fund travel to help grantees develop connections with other ecologists outside their usual peer groups. The application deadline is 08 September 2014.
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Humane Earth Foundation

Environmental Projects in Europe
Deadline: 8 September 2014
Principal Office: France
The Humane Earth Foundation (La Fondation pour une Terre Humaine -- FTH) makes grants to civil society organizations in Europe for social action to defend the natural environment, and to combat poverty and exclusion. Most grants are to organizations in western Europe, although FTH makes a smaller number of grants in eastern Europe and the Balkans region. Grants are to small and medium NGOs and to other nonprofit associations with an activist orientation. The next application deadline is 08 September 2014.
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Philip Henman Trust

Grants for Development Projects
Deadline: 10 September 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Philip Henman Trust makes grants to UK-based development organizations, with few restrictions on thematic areas. Support is normally between £3 thousand and £5 thousand per year, with a maximum total of £25 thousand. The closing date for applications is 10 September each year.
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Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement

Nominations 2014
Deadline: 12 September 2014
Principal Office: USA
This is an annual prize of US$200 thousand to recognize exceptional accomplishments in environmental science, energy, or medicine. The Tyler Prize can be awarded to living individuals or public or private institutions anywhere in the world. Several past prize winners have been distinguished in scientific and technical areas such as the global nitrogen cycle, global biodiversity assessments, wastewater treatment in developing countries, and others relevant to the link between environment and development. The closing date for nominations is 12 September 2014.
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Brazilian Government

Science Without Borders
Deadline: 15 September 2014
Principal Office: Brazil
Science Without Borders is a joint effort of Brazil's Ministry of Education (MEC) and Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT). The program aims to place Brazilian students and researchers in top universities worldwide. The program also makes grants to attract talented young researchers from outside the country to work in Brazil. Grants in the "Young Talent" program are for one to three years in the priority areas of Science Without Borders -- including sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, disaster prevention, biodiversity and bio-prospecting, marine sciences, and others. The application deadlines are 07 April 2014, 23 June 2014, and 15 September 2014.
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Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation

Grants 2014
Deadline: 15 September 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Foundation funds UK organizations for projects to promote peace and sustainable security -- and environmental sustainability -- including for international projects. Most grants are between £5 thousand and £15 thousand per year, for up to three years. The next deadline for applications is 15 September 2014.
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Tinker Foundation

Sustainable Resource Management in Latin America
Deadline: 15 September 2014
Principal Office: USA
Tinker's program of Institutional Grants supports the theme of sustainable resource management (among others) in Latin America. Proposals are submitted by institutional entities that are geographically focused on Latin America. Priorities are promoting sustainable management practices, and providing secure water supply. The Foundation encourages collaboration among organizations in the USA and Latin America. Tinker encourages brief letters of inquiry to the Foundation before proposals are prepared and submitted. The application deadlines are 01 March and 15 September of each year.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Postdoctoral Fellowship at ICIPE, Kenya
Deadline: 15 September 2014
Principal Office: International
TWAS and ICIPE (International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology) sponsor one fellowship annually at the ICIPE campus in Nairobi, Kenya. The fellowship of 6-12 months is open to young scientists in developing countries (other than Kenya) who meet the educational qualifications and other criteria. The application deadline is 15 September 2014.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Postdoctoral Fellowships at Universiti Putra Malaysia
Deadline: 15 September 2014
Principal Office: International
TWAS and Universiti Putra Malaysia (Selangor) offer postdoctoral fellowships of 6-12 months in subject areas that include agricultural sciences, biological systems, and several others. The program is open to young scientists in all developing countries except Malaysia. The application deadline is 15 September 2014.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Postdoctoral Fellowships at Universiti Sains Malaysia
Deadline: 15 September 2014
Principal Office: International
TWAS and Universiti Sains Malaysia (Penang) offer postdoctoral support for 1-3 years in subject areas that include agricultural sciences, biological systems, and several others. The program is open to young scientists in all developing countries except Malaysia. The application deadline is 15 September 2014.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Mexico
Deadline: 15 September 2014
Principal Office: International
TWAS coordinates with Mexico's National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT) to offer fellowships of 6-12 months at research centers and institutions of higher education and research recognized by CONACyT. Applications are invited from young PhDs in developing countries other than Mexico. The application deadline is 15 September 2014.
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Stockholm International Water Institute

Stockholm Water Prize 2015
Deadline: 25 September 2014
Principal Office: Sweden
The Stockholm Water Prize is awarded annually for outstanding achievements supporting the availability, conservation, and protection of the world’s water resources. The award is open to individuals and organizations of any nationality whose work contributes broadly to the conservation and protection of water resources. The Stockholm Water Prize consists of an award of US$150 thousand and a crystal sculpture. The deadline for nominations is 25 September 2014.
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Christensen Fund

Grants for Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity
Deadline: 30 September 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Christensen Fund makes grants to indigenous-led and community-based organizations for projects that combine biodiversity with cultural diversity. Most grants are in the range of US$50 thousand to US$100 thousand for one or two years. Application dates are 01 August through 31 August for project pre-proposals in the following programs: African Rift Valley; Central Asia; Northwest Mexico; Global; and SF Bay Region. The application period is 01 September through 30 September for projects in Melanesia.
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Erik Hosking Charitable Trust

Photos, Art, and Writing about Birds and Natural History
Deadline: 30 September 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Erik Hosking Trust supports projects of scientific and conservation value on birds and other subjects of natural history through the media of writing, photography, painting, and illustration. Grants of up to £750 may be awarded to suitable candidates from any country. The application deadline is 30 September each year.
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Ornithological Society of the Middle East

Research Grants
Deadline: 30 September 2014
Principal Office: UK
The OSME's Conservation and Research Fund makes grants to support bird research in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. Grants average about £500. Submission deadlines are 31 January; 31 May; and 30 September of each year.
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Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew

Bentham-Moxon Trust
Deadline: 30 September 2014
Principal Office: UK
Through the Bentham-Moxon Trust, Kew Gardens (UK) makes 30 to 40 small grants per year to botanists and horticulturalists for plant collection and field research; international visits or work at Kew; travel and conferences; and other project support. Preference is for grants that involve a developing country. The closing date for applications is 30 September.
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Yves Rocher Foundation

Terre des Femmes 2014
Deadline: 30 September 2014
Principal Office: France
The Foundation annually sponsors "Women of the Earth" to honor women in France and selected other countries for their achievements in environmental awareness, conservation, and solidarity. Past awards include several for project work in the developing countries. Prizes range from €3 thousand to €10 thousand. The closing date for applications in France is 30 September 2014 (candidates in other countries should check their closing dates).
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North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Science for Peace and Security
Deadline: 1 October 2014
Principal Office: International
NATO's support for research in peace and security includes aspects of environment and energy in relation to climate change, water scarcity, increasing energy needs, disaster forecasts, and prevention of natural catastrophes (among others). Applications are invited from researchers in NATO's member countries and its partner countries -- including several in East Europe, Eurasia, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean region. The deadlines in 2014 are 01 March, 01 July, and 01 October.
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Tree Fund

Grants for Arboriculture and Urban Forestry
Deadline: 1 October 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Jack Kimmel International Grant Program makes grants to researchers in arboriculture and urban forestry worldwide. Projects of one to three years are funded to a maximum of US$10 thousand. The application deadline is 01 October of each year.
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U.S. Department of State

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowships
Deadline: 1 October 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program supports non-degree academic study and related professional experiences in the U.S. for experienced professionals from countries that are undergoing development or political transition. Fellows are hosted at universities in the USA. Program fields include agriculture and rural development; natural resources, environmental policy, and climate change; and many others. Applications are made through the U.S. Embassies or Binational Fulbright Commissions in eligible countries, with varying deadlines. The embassies and commissions submit their nominations before 01 October to the Institute of International Education office in Washington, DC.
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Conservation of Marine Turtles
Deadline: 1 October 2014
Principal Office: USA
In its program "Wildlife Without Borders," the USFWS makes grants for the conservation of selected wildlife species, including marine turtles. Grants are for applied research, training, conservation management, community outreach, law enforcement, decreased human-wildlife conflicts, and other activities in conservation. Preference is for proposals that request less than US$50 thousand. Eligibility extends worldwide to qualified and relevant government agencies, other organizations, multi-national secretariats, and individuals. Proposal deadlines for marine turtles are 01 April and 01 October of each year
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Visiting Professors
Deadline: 1 October 2014
Principal Office: International
This program helps supports the costs of professors and TWAS Fellows who work with host institutions and research groups in developing countries to build their capacity. The focus is least-developed countries and institutions that are most separated from outside contacts. Requests are made by host institutions in the developing countries. The Visiting Expert Program has a deadline of 01 October 2014; the Research Professors program has a deadline of 31 October 2014.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Visiting Researchers
Deadline: 1 October 2014
Principal Office: International
TWAS helps support researchers from the developing world to travel to other countries in order to pursue collaborative research for up to one year. Costs are shared between TWAS and the host institutions. Among several sub-programs are the "TWAS Fellowships for Advanced Research and Training" (with an application deadline of 01 October 2014) and the "UNESCO-TWAS Associate Scheme" (with a deadline of 01 December 2014). Grant seekers should also review the other sub-programs.
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Royal Geographic Society

Grants with Deadlines in October and November 2014
Deadline: 4 October 2014
Principal Office: UK
The RGS-IBG makes grants for geographical research, fieldwork, and teaching that include several awards with deadlines in October and November. The application deadline is 04 October for the Journey of a Lifetime Award. The deadline is 23 November for the Ralph Brown Expedition Award; Peter Fleming Award; Thesiger-Oman International Research Fellowships; Postgraduate Research Grants; Geographical Club Award; and Hong Kong Research Grant. The deadline is 30 November for the Land Rover Bursary and the Field Centre Grants. Applicants are generally based in the UK, although the Field Centre Grants also engage early-career field scientists in the developing world.
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Netherlands Organization for Cooperation in Higher Education (NUFFIC)

Netherlands Fellowship Programs
Deadline: 7 October 2014
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Netherlands Fellowship Programs (NFP) offer opportunities for professionals in 50 developing countries to pursue masters degrees, PhD studies, and short courses in the Netherlands. Individuals applying for fellowships must be admitted to the relevant academic programs in order to be eligible for funding. Programs include subjects in agricultural and veterinary sciences; sustainable energy; marine biology; water resources; environmental governance; and various other areas related to environment and natural resources. Application deadlines vary by sub-programs -- with deadlines on 04 February 2014, 06 May 2014, and 07 October 2014.
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Wageningen UR Center for Development Innovation

Professional Training Courses 2014-2015
Deadline: 7 October 2014
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Center for Development Innovation (CDI) at Wageningen University in the Netherlands helps build the capacities of individuals and organizations that are addressing the global challenges of sustainability and food security. Services at CDI include professional short courses in subject areas related to agriculture, genetic resources, pest management, water management, climate change, natural disasters, rural entrepreneurship, and others. Funding for most courses is available through the Netherlands Fellowship Program, with deadlines on 06 May 2014 and 07 October 2014.
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Nagao Natural Environment Foundation

Research Grants 2014
Deadline: 24 October 2014
Principal Office: Japan
The NEF Research Grants fund research in support of nature conservation, emphasizing developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Applicants should be nationals of Asian-Pacific countries, and their research projects should be carried out in their home countries. Grants are a maximum of 500 thousand Japanese yen for a maximum period of two years. The closing dates for applications are 11 April 2014 and 24 October 2014.
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Royal Society

International Exchanges
Deadline: 28 October 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Royal Society's International Exchanges Scheme makes grants to UK scientists who seek new international collaborations. The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, except clinical medicine. For the standard program (i.e., not specific to countries and/or focal areas), the deadlines in 2014 are 13 March, 01 July, and 28 October.
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African Bird Club

Conservation Awards and Expedition Awards
Deadline: 31 October 2014
Principal Office: UK
The ABC Conservation Awards (up to £1,500) support small and medium-sized bird conservation projects in Africa. Applicants should be resident in Africa. The ABC Expedition Awards (up to £2,000) take place within continental Africa or adjacent islands, with a strong base in conservation and birds. Applications for both programs are due before the end of February, June, and October.
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Asian Waterbirds Conservation Fund

Protection of Migratory Waterbirds
Deadline: 31 October 2014
Principal Office: HongKong
Administered by WWF Hong Kong, the Asian Waterbirds Conservation Fund supports the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their wetland habitats in the East Asian – Australasian flyway. Grants are up to US$5 thousand per program or project. The application deadline is 31 October of each year.
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Chester Zoo

Grants for Research and Conservation
Deadline: 31 October 2014
Principal Office: UK
Chester Zoo supports a variety of small conservation projects each year to conserve threatened species worldwide. Grants support training and education, species monitoring, habitat protection, and other aims consistent with the Zoo's activities and support. Applications are accepted during three review periods that conclude 31 March, 30 June, and 31 October of each year.
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First Peoples Worldwide

Keepers of the Earth
Deadline: 31 October 2014
Principal Office: USA
First Peoples Worldwide makes grants through the Keepers of the Earth Fund to support grassroots projects of indigenous organizations. The Fund's interests include indigenous land use, management of natural resources, climate change, and food security -- among others. Grants range from US$500 to US$20 thousand. The application period is 01 January through 31 October.
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G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation

Grants in Natural and Earth Sciences
Deadline: 31 October 2014
Principal Office: USA
The G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation makes grants for research and operational support in marine and ocean conservation, earth sciences, climate change, and wildlife management. Grants are to nonprofit organizations, mainly in the USA, for projects ranging from local to international. Letters of interest should be submitted before 30 April and 31 October each year.
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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund

Grants in Support of Endangered and Critically Endangered Species
Deadline: 31 October 2014
Principal Office: United Arab Emirates
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund makes grants to individuals, communities, and organizations for the conservation of animal, plant, and fungi species worldwide. Grants are up to US$25 thousand. Application deadlines in year 2014 are 28 February; 30 June; and 31 October.
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Suez Environnement

Fonds Suez Environnement Initiatives
Deadline: 31 October 2014
Principal Office: France
The Fund makes grants and provides technical skills for projects in water, sanitation, waste water treatment, and waste management in developing countries. Eligibility for grants extends to solidarity organizations and institutions in all countries. Applications (French, English) can be received at any time, with deadlines of 30 April and 31 October for consideration at subsequent board meetings.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Visiting Professors
Deadline: 31 October 2014
Principal Office: International
This program helps supports the costs of professors and TWAS Fellows who work with host institutions and research groups in developing countries to build their capacity. The focus is least-developed countries and institutions that are most separated from outside contacts. Requests are made by host institutions in the developing countries. The Visiting Expert Program has a deadline of 01 October 2014; the Research Professors program has a deadline of 31 October 2014.
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Lawrence Foundation

Grants for Environment
Deadline: 1 November 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Lawrence Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations in the USA for projects in environment, education, and other themes. There is no restriction on the geographical area where grant activities can be implemented. Average grant size is over US$10 thousand. The two deadlines for applications are 30 April and 01 November of each year.
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World Wildlife Fund U.S.

Grants for Conservation Workshops 2014-2015
Deadline: 1 November 2014
Principal Office: USA
WWF-US offers up to US$7,500 for workshops that train communities, stakeholders, park guards, and others on conservation issues. Applying organizations must have an established presence in an eligible country (countries are listed in the announcement). The workshops should focus on practical skills and field activities to increase local learning and build capacity. The next application deadlines are 01 May 2014; 01 August 2014; 01 November 2014; and 01 February 2015.
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Royal Geographic Society

Grants with Deadlines in October and November 2014
Deadline: 23 November 2014
Principal Office: UK
The RGS-IBG makes grants for geographical research, fieldwork, and teaching that include several awards with deadlines in October and November. The application deadline is 04 October for the Journey of a Lifetime Award. The deadline is 23 November for the Ralph Brown Expedition Award; Peter Fleming Award; Thesiger-Oman International Research Fellowships; Postgraduate Research Grants; Geographical Club Award; and Hong Kong Research Grant. The deadline is 30 November for the Land Rover Bursary and the Field Centre Grants. Applicants are generally based in the UK, although the Field Centre Grants also engage early-career field scientists in the developing world.
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Royal Geographic Society

Grants with Deadlines in October and November 2014
Deadline: 30 November 2014
Principal Office: UK
The RGS-IBG makes grants for geographical research, fieldwork, and teaching that include several awards with deadlines in October and November. The application deadline is 04 October for the Journey of a Lifetime Award. The deadline is 23 November for the Ralph Brown Expedition Award; Peter Fleming Award; Thesiger-Oman International Research Fellowships; Postgraduate Research Grants; Geographical Club Award; and Hong Kong Research Grant. The deadline is 30 November for the Land Rover Bursary and the Field Centre Grants. Applicants are generally based in the UK, although the Field Centre Grants also engage early-career field scientists in the developing world.
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Riverbanks Zoo and Garden

International Wildlife Conservation
Deadline: 1 December 2014
Principal Office: USA
The Riverbanks Zoo and Garden (USA) makes grants for field conservation; habitat management; conservation education; ex situ captive breeding; animal health and welfare; and other themes in wildlife research and conservation. Grants generally range from US$1 thousand to US$5 thousand. Beginning in 2014, the application deadlines are 01 June and 01 December.
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Turtle Conservation Fund

Grants to Protect Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles
Deadline: 1 December 2014
Principal Office: International
The Turtle Conservation Fund makes grants to organizations and individuals worldwide for conservation and research of endangered and critically endangered tortoises and freshwater turtles. Most regular grants are US$2 thousand to US$5 thousand per project. The Fund also makes seed grants of US$1 thousand or less. Application deadlines for both programs are 01 May and 01 December of each year
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Grants for International Scientific Meetings in Developing Countries
Deadline: 1 December 2014
Principal Office: International
TWAS makes grants in support of conferences, workshops, symposia, and special meetings in developing countries. Requests are submitted by the organizers of the meetings (i.e., not by individual participants). Grants are intended for air tickets, and do not normally exceed US$5 thousand. Application deadlines are 01 June and 01 December each year.
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World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Visiting Researchers
Deadline: 1 December 2014
Principal Office: International
TWAS helps support researchers from the developing world to travel to other countries in order to pursue collaborative research for up to one year. Costs are shared between TWAS and the host institutions. Among several sub-programs are the "TWAS Fellowships for Advanced Research and Training" (with an application deadline of 01 October 2014) and the "UNESCO-TWAS Associate Scheme" (with a deadline of 01 December 2014). Grant seekers should also review the other sub-programs.
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Neotropical Bird Club

Conservation Research in Latin America and the Caribbean
Deadline: 31 December 2014
Principal Office: UK
The Neotropical Bird Club offers research grants up to $1,500 for conservation work, or for research which may be of conservation benefit. Awards are for projects carried out by nationals and/or residents of countries in the Neotropics (i.e. the Caribbean, Central America, and South America). Application guidelines are available in English and Spanish. The deadlines are 30 June and 31 December of each year.
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International Land Coalition

Facility in Support of Innovative and High-Impact Targeted Interventions on the Ground
Deadline: 2 October 2015
Principal Office: International
The FTI makes grants to pilot innovations in securing and protecting land rights for the rural poor, and to explore supporting such innovations on a larger scale. Grants are to civil society organizations (CSOs) in the developing world ("the South"). The FTI also considers applications from CSOs in "the North" if the applicants have existing partnerships in the South, and when their involvement provides an added value, or where there are unique circumstances.
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Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water

Awards 2016
Deadline: 31 December 2015
Principal Office: Saudi Arabia
The 7th cycle of the Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water announces one creativity prize and four specialized prizes. The Creativity Prize of one million Saudi riyals (US$266 thousand) is for pioneering and innovative research in any water-related field. The four specialized prizes are each US$133 thousand for research in surface water; groundwater; alternative water (e.g., desalinization, wastewater treatement, etc.); and water management and protection. Candidates for the Creativity Prize are identified through external nominations. Candidates for the specialized prizes are self-nominated. The deadline for nominations is 31 December 2015.
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Addax and Oryx Foundation

Projects in Grassroots Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Switzerland
The Foundation makes grants that contribute to sustainable improvements in the living conditions of underprivileged populations in Africa and the Middle East. Projects to date include examples in renewable energy, small-scale agriculture and livestock, clean water, and conservation among a wide range of community-based projects. Grants are to nonprofit organizations locally and internationally whose missions and experience meet the Foundation’s thematic interests and selection criteria.
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Aeon Education and Environment Fund

Environmental Protection
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: China
Grants are to nonprofit organizations in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland to promote activities that focus on environmental education, communications, and training. Examples are tree planting days, ecological walks, environmental contests, and similar. The Fund prefers to support specific one-off projects rather than operating expenses and ongoing programs.
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African Development Bank

African Water Facility
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The AWF provides financing in integrated water resources management in Africa. Projects focus on water law and policy, capacity building, public-private partnerships, and other interventions. Applicants for AWF can be central, local, and municipal African governments; NGOs, community-based organizations; and sectoral, regional, and sub-regional organizations (e.g., for river basins, regional economic bodies, and others). Grants range from €50 thousand to €5 million.
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African Development Bank

Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
SEFA makes grants for the establishment and growth of small and medium projects for clean energy and energy efficiency in Africa. The program provides grants for project preparation (Component I), and for investment start-up and growth (Component II). Funding is aimed towards private-sector entrepreneurs.
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Water and Sanitation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Netherlands
Akvo manages an online marketplace to connect development projects and programs that require financial support with donors who supply the funding. Focus areas include water and sanitation, among others. Projects are displayed online. Financial contributors of all kinds (e.g., companies, individuals, and others) choose which projects to support.
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Alcoa Foundation

Grants for Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Alcoa Foundation makes grants for environment and education to serve communities where Alcoa has production facilities or administrative offices worldwide. The Foundation funds projects to reduce materials use, recycle products, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainable energy, manage ecosystems and biodiversity, and protect water resources. Interested organizations make their grant requests through their local Alcoa facility.
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Annenberg Foundation

Animal Welfare and Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation's interests include wildlife research and conservation; animal health and anti-cruelty campaigns; community-based management of natural resources; and environmental education and capacity building. Annenberg supports projects in the USA (especially in California) and internationally. Most grant recipients for environmental and animal projects in developing countries are nonprofit organizations in the USA that have international interests.
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Archer Daniels Midland Company

Community Giving
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The company's corporate social investment program “ADM Cares” makes grants in themes of agricultural development, sound environmental practices, education for children and young adults, and maintaining vibrant communities. Eligibility for funding in ADM Cares extends to tax-exempt charitable organizations in the USA, and to equivalent charitable organizations in other countries.
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Arcus Foundation

Great Apes Program
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Arcus makes grants to promote the survival of great apes in the wild and in sanctuaries that offer safety from invasive research and other forms of exploitation. Grant support focuses on activities that impact gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos, and gibbons. The program is open to non-profit organizations in the USA and internationally.
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ASEAN Foundation

Projects for Human Resources Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The ASEAN Foundation funds human resources development (capacity building) in program areas that include environment and social development, e.g., agriculture, fisheries, and disaster management. Most of the Foundation's projects are implemented by relatively experienced research and training institutes in the ASEAN region, and by ASEAN's network organizations (for agriculture, fisheries, life sciences, research, etc.). Additionally, a few grants are made to organizations outside of ASEAN (e.g., Japan and Europe), but which actively work with partners across the region.
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Ashden Trust

Climate Change
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Ashden Trust is a grant-making charity addressing climate change, sustainable development, and improving the quality of life in poorer communities. The Trust makes grants to organizations in the UK and the developing world. Grants in "Sustainable Development International" focus on community-based renewable energy, forest conservation and management, and related efforts to slow climate change. The Trust makes grants to registered charities and nonprofit organizations in the UK and in the developing countries in which it engages. The Trust clarifies that it funds only a small number of unsolicited applications.
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Ashoka Fellows
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Ashoka makes three-year grants to social entrepreneurs around the world who become Ashoka Fellows. Fields of work include environment, energy, agriculture, and several others. Ashoka accepts nominations online in several languages. The nomination form requests information about the social entrepreneur's core idea, and why it is distinguished from other efforts. Additional required information asks about the social problem being addressed, the impact to date, and strategies for the future.
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Asia Foundation

Grants for Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation's thematic interests include natural resource management and use; water resource management and trans-boundary water sharing; climate change adaptation and resilience; disaster preparedness and risk reduction; urban environmental issues; and women and the environment. The Foundation makes most of its grants to organizations based in the Asia-Pacific region. Grant recipients are mainly civil society organizations, together with institutions for research and education. Other grant recipients include business associations, government organizations (e.g., environmental planning, water and sanitation, energy supply, etc.), and others.
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Asian Development Bank

Water Pilot and Demonstration Activities
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The ADB makes small grants for pilot and demonstration activities (PDAs) to test and validate approaches, methodologies, and strategies to improve water resources management, water services delivery, and reforms in water policy. Eligibility for PDAs extends to government agencies and local governments; international and national NGOs; academic and research institutions; and ADB's staff in regional departments. PDAs are implemented in less than one year, and for funding of less than US$50 thousand.
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Atkinson Foundation

Development Projects in Mexico and Central America
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Atkinson Foundation makes grants for grassroots projects in Mexico and Central America. Thematic areas are health, family planning, and cooperative enterprises. The Foundation also funds activities in agriculture and natural resources including community water supply and sanitation; community agriculture and livestock; and micro-enterprises in agriculture and natural resources. Grants are to nonprofit charitable organizations in the USA.
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Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)

Australia-Africa Community Grants Scheme
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Australia
The Australia-Africa Community Grants Scheme (AACGS) funds community-based activities by African NGOs for projects in water and sanitation; environmental awareness and conservation of natural resources; agriculture and food security; and a range of other grassroots actions for social and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Applications are submitted to the relevant Australian diplomatic mission.
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Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)

NGOs in Developing Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Australia
Civil society organizations in developing countries may be able to access funding through the Small Activities Scheme (SAS) and the Direct Aid Program (DAP). The SAS and DAP provide limited funding to support local organizations for small-scale activities during short periods, normally up to one year. Potential applicants contact the relevant Australian Embassy or High Commission to inquire about funding possibilities.
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Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Research in Agriculture and Natural Resources
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Australia
ACIAR's research program is a cluster of scientific disciplines focused around economics and social sciences; agricultural crops; livestock and fisheries; and natural resource management. Most grants are to Australian organizations which collaborate with other institutions in Australia and in partner developing countries via consortium arrangements. Suggestions for projects may be submitted by individuals, research institutions, and government organizations in the developing countries where ACIAR is active, and/or in Australia.
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Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Engaging with NGOs
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Australia
ACIAR supports partners to disseminate results of ACIAR-funded research in local communities. ACIAR particularly seeks to collaborate with civil society organizations that have long-term ties in the communities of interest, preferably as partners of existing government extension services. Additionally, ACIAR collaborates with Australian volunteers through established programs to place volunteers with ACIAR projects. Community-based organizations approach ACIAR in the same way as indicated for researchers, except that the emphasis in proposals will be different.
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Austrian Development Agency

Organizations in Partner Regions and Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Austria
The ADA accepts proposals from government bodies and civil society organizations in its partner regions and countries. The proposed projects must contribute to the priorities of Austrian cooperation, i.e., its regional and country strategies. Interested organizations prepare and submit concept notes to the relevant ADA field offices, or to ADA's headquarters in Vienna (if no field office is available). If ADA is interested, it invites complete project proposals.
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Avina Stiftung

Grants for Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Switzerland
The foundation is active mainly in Switzerland, but it also supports Swiss development work in Latin America, as well as selected initiatives with a global focus. The Foundation supports innovations to promote eco-efficiency, biodiversity, and ecological sustainability. It also seeks to enhance awareness of environmental issues.
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Belgian Development Cooperation

NGOs in Partner Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Belgium
Belgium funds grant-making programs for civil society in Belgium and its partner developing countries. The programs include "Consolidation of Society in Partner Countries." Civil society organizations in Belgium's partner countries contact the attaché for development cooperation at the relevant Belgian embassy.
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Blue Moon Fund

Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Fund makes grants for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the USA, China, Southeast Asia, the Himalayas, and tropical Latin America. The program is open to conservation NGOs and other charitable non-profit organizations in the USA, and to organizations in other countries that have equivalent nonprofit status. Blue Moon also funds public and private universities.
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Blue Planet Network

Community Water Supply
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Blue Planet Network funds projects that provide safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, grassroots watershed management, and related activities to improve community water supply. Blue Planet Network raises funds online from individuals, foundations, trusts, corporations, community groups, and other donors. The funding is directed to the implementing partners of Blue Planet Network. Implementing partners are grassroots NGOs in developing countries where the water projects are carried out. Other implementers are international development NGOs that have water-related programs and projects in developing countries. Organizations apply to Blue Planet Network to become implementing partners.
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Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC)

Technical Assistance and Knowledge Transfer
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Brazil
The ABC provides horizontal assistance to developing countries in program areas that include agriculture and food security; energy and biofuels; and environment (among other thematic areas). The form of the assistance can include training, research, and infrastructure support. In principle, ABC's assistance is available to all types of institutions -- public agencies, private entities, research institutes, and other organizations. The ABC accepts requests for technical assistance through a form that it posts on its website in Portuguese, Spanish, and English.
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Bromley Trust

Environment, Biodiversity, and Climate Change
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Trust makes grants to prevent deforestation and protect the biodiversity of Brazil's Atlantic Forest; to promote marine diversity; to protect islands and the Arctic and Antarctic regions; and to support innovative work on climate change and sustainability. Additionally, the Trust supports human rights related to the environment, particularly with respect to the consequences of climate change and the depletion of natural resources, and with respect to the land rights of marginalized people. Grants are made only to or through UK registered charities whose work falls within the remit of Bromley's program areas.
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Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Canada
Some of Canada's embassies and high commissions make grants for local projects implemented by NGOs, universities, and other civil society organizations. The grants are made through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives. Grant seekers should inquire with the relevant Canadian embassy or high commission for information.
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Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Stewardship
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Cargill makes grants for projects in food security and nutrition; education; and environmental stewardship. These focus areas include funding for projects that protect and improve accessibility to water resources; support conservation and environmental education; and promote sustainable agriculture. Applicants for Corporate Giving complete an online inquiry. Applicants for Local Community Giving contact their nearest Cargill facility to inquire about local interests and partnerships.
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Caribbean Development Bank

Basic Needs Trust Fund
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The BNTF provides resources to poor Caribbean communities to improve access to public services, enhance employability, and reduce socio-economic vulnerability. Thematic areas for project funding include community water supply, local environmental degradation, and skills training for livelihoods and enterprises (among many other topics). BNTF's support is available to community groups, NGOs, and government agencies in the participating countries. Most grants range from about US$30 thousand to US$500 thousand.
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Charles Hayward Foundation

Livelihoods in the African Commonwealth Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Foundation accepts applications from UK charities that seek funding for livelihoods projects in Africa’s Commonwealth countries, and that have annual incomes of more than £350 thousand. Projects should focus at the grassroots level with proven local partners. Categories for support include water and sanitation; capacity building in agriculture and income-generating activities; and health. Grants are up to £15 thousand.
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Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

International Finance for Sustainability
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation's international grant making includes a sub-program to steer investments and policies in energy and infrastructure towards sustainable development. Grants in this theme are intended to guard against unwise capital investments in large-scale dams, extractive industries, and other major projects which threaten environmental sustainability and local economic opportunity. One component of this sub-program is for programs and projects in Latin America, while the other has worldwide scope.
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Climate and Land Use Alliance

Climate Change
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Alliance is a collaboration of four major foundations committed to addressing global climate change: the ClimateWorks Foundation; the David and Lucile Packard Foundation; the Ford Foundation; and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Grants are made by the Alliance's member foundations through a shared strategic framework, and a shared process of accepting grant inquiries. Eligibility for grants extends to nonprofit organizations, government agencies, private enterprises, educational institutions, and other types of organizations in the priority countries and internationally. Priority countries/regions are Brazil, Mexico and Central America, Indonesia, and USA. The Alliance also funds programs and projects that have a global scope.
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Coca-Cola Foundation

Water Stewardship and Community Recycling
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Coca-Cola Foundation makes grants in support of access to clean water and sanitation; watershed management in water-stressed areas; multiple-use systems for water; and education and awareness in water conservation. Another focus is community recycling to prevent littering; to recover and re-use materials; to increase community awareness of recycling; and to support research and innovation in recycling. Grants are made to tax-exempt nonprofit charitable organizations in the USA and organizations in other countries that have equivalent status. Grant seekers apply for cash grants or fund-raising sponsorships.
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Columbus Zoo

Conservation Grants Program
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Columbus Zoo?s Conservation Grants Program funds conservation research, education, capacity building, and community involvement in countries around the world. Potential applicants contact the Zoo's field research coordinator at the indicated email address.
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Conservation and Research Foundation

Environmental Education and Research
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation supports education and research in the following thematic areas: limiting population growth; biodiversity protection; law and the environment; agriculture conservation; and pollution and energy solutions. The Foundation also funds general ecological research and environmental education that does not fit into the preceding categories. Most grants are to small nonprofit conservation organizations, research institutes, and programs of environmental education in the USA that have an international scope. Additionally, the Foundation makes grants to conservation organizations in developing countries.
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Convention on Biological Diversity

Financing for Protected Areas
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
LifeWeb is a platform of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to increase financing for protected areas in the developing world. The program operates as a match-making service between governments that request funding for protected areas, and donors willing and able to provide it. National governments of developing countries define funding needs for protected areas, and submit these Expressions of Interest to LifeWeb's Coordination Office. LifeWeb publicizes the Expressions of Interest, and strives to match them with the geographical and thematic priorities of public and private donors.
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CS Fund and Warsh-Mott Legacy

Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
CSF/WML takes an activist approach in its grant making to defend traditional management of agriculture and natural resources. Specific interests (among others) include protecting local seeds and reducing chemicals in agriculture; regulating the introduction of genetically modified organisms; and supporting communities in their self-governance of natural resources.
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Denmark Ministry of Foreign Affairs

NGOs in Developing Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Denmark
Some of Denmark's diplomatic missions make grants to local NGOs and other types of organizations in developing countries. Interested individuals should inquire with the relevant Danish diplomatic mission regarding whether funding is available, and how to apply for it.
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Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)

Technical Cooperation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
CAF makes a limited number of grants through its programs of technical cooperation and specialized funds. Most grants are for capacity building, sectoral studies, pilot demonstrations, and support for small and medium enterprises -- often as components of larger integrated programs. Grant recipients may include government agencies, NGOs, producer associations, and others. CAF's Operational Manual for Technical Cooperation describes how technical cooperation is managed in CAF; outlines eligibility criteria for projects; identifies allowable costs; and provides additional guidelines.
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Diageo Foundation

Community Projects in Water Resources
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
To be eligible for funding from the Diageo Foundation, projects must fall within key focus areas that include one on water resources ("Water of Life"). Grants support improved access and management of water at the community level. Examples are wells, rainwater harvesting, water filters and pumps, village sanitation, and low-cost irrigation. Grants are a maximum of £50 thousand per project for up to three years.
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DigitalGlobe Foundation

Satellite Imagery for Environment and Natural Resources
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation makes awards of archive satellite imagery for research and applied projects in climate change, land use, coastal development, forest management, wildlife corridors, water management, fisheries management, agricultural planning, disaster response and recovery, and other topics in environment and natural resources. Grant recipients are students and professors at accredited universities and related educational institutions for projects in which the data will not be used commercially. Additionally, DigitalGlobe gives special consideration to analysts and researchers at NGOs who need the imagery in support of humanitarian and/or environmental efforts.
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Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund

Rapid Response Fund
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Rapid Respond Program is designed to provide emergency grants in times of conservation crisis or urgent need. Grants are up to US$5 thousand per request. Inquiries to the Rapid Response Fund can be submitted at any time. Applicants send an email to DWCF to request an invitation code.
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DOEN Foundation

Green and Inclusive Economy
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Netherlands
The DOEN Foundation is the receiving fund of the three Dutch charity lotteries. Among other program areas, the Foundation aims to help combat further climate change by supporting entrepreneurial approaches to reduce CO2 emissions. The program looks for pioneers in the field of sustainable energy and energy saving in the Netherlands, and that focus on sustainable energy in Africa and India.
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Donner Canadian Foundation

Land and Wildlife Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Canada
The Donner Canadian Foundation makes grants for public policy research, environment, social service projects, and international development. Grant making includes interests in land and wildlife conservation in Canada and internationally. Donner's grants are restricted to organizations that have Canadian charitable status. Organizations may send a brief description of their goals and programs to the Foundation's Executive Director. If there is a potential match with the Foundation's interests, Donner will reply to request more information.
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Ecocert Corporate Foundation

Grassroots Environmental Awareness and Education
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: France
The Ecocert Corporate Foundation supports grassroots projects in France and the developing world for environmental protection and awareness, improved social conditions, and maintenance of cultural heritage. Actions include awareness raising and information actions; educational projects; and practical measures (community farming, tree planting, etc.). Project proposals are invited in French or English.
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The Virtual Foundation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Ecologia established The Virtual Foundation as a project to help grassroots initiatives obtain grants for biodiversity conservation, environmental education, and sustainable development that addresses poverty alleviation. The Foundation raises financial contributions over the internet, and it steers this funding towards project implementers in developing countries. Applicants contact the Foundation's local partners (consortium members) in countries where the Foundation is represented. The local partners solicit and screen proposals, handle transfers of funds, oversee project implementation, and collect final project reports.
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Conservation Photography
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Australia
EcoPix makes grants to support the non-equipment costs of small photography projects by emerging conservation photographers in Australia and neighboring Asia-Pacific countries. There is no nationality requirement or age requirement, although EcoPix gives preference to grant requests from young and emerging photographers. Outside of Australia, projects normally need sponsorship by an Australian organization, a branch of a well-established international organization, or a major national conservation organization in the country concerned. Smaller grass-roots groups need to work with established organizations.
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Empowers Africa

Conservation Linked to Community Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Empowers Africa takes the view that sustainable conservation is built on community-based collaboration. Projects support community access to education, health, and business opportunities at or near protected conservation and wildlife areas and World Heritage Sites. Other projects fund programs in urban communities where tourism is a strong source of development. Grants are to international and African-based organizations.
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Energy Foundation

China Sustainable Energy Program
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation's China Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP) makes grants for planning, policies, research, and training to improve energy efficiency and to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions in China. Grant eligibility extends to organizations in China and the USA. They include Chinese research institutes and foundations; universities; professional organizations, societies, and academies; energy technology centers; policy groups and think tanks; state-owned energy companies; regulatory agencies; and NGOs. Applicants from the USA generally need to be tax-exempt charitable organizations.
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Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust

Wildlife and Environmental Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Trust makes grants in the area of wildlife and environmental conservation locally (county of Sussex, UK) and internationally. The international grants are primarily for conservation benefitting the developing world. Most funding for international activities is to international conservation organizations, and to UK organizations that manage international programs. The Trust's conservation interests are wide to include African wildlife, marine conservation, wetlands, tropical forests, and others.
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Estonia Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Micro-Grants in Partner Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Estonia
Estonia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates the country's Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DCHA). DHCA makes small grants to government agencies, local authorities, and nonprofit organizations and foundations in Estonia's priority countries for development aid. Estonian organizations participate as partners. DCHA posts guidelines and forms for micro-financing on its home page.
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FEMSA Foundation

Sustainable Development of Water Resources
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Mexico
The Foundation makes grants for sustainable development of water resources in Latin America. Grant recipients for community water projects include government agencies, development NGOs, foundations and institutes, and other nonprofit organizations. To propose projects, applicants should contact the Foundation via its email address or email contact form.
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Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Local Cooperation Funds
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Finland
In some developing countries, Finnish embassies make grants to educational institutions and other civil society organizations in support of Finland's development assistance. Grant seekers should inquire with Finland's embassies regarding Finland's local cooperation funds. The information is sometimes posted on embassy websites.
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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Technical Cooperation Program
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The TCP operates in all of the world's developing regions, with emphasis on the neediest countries, to address specific problems in agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, and forestry. Additionally, TCP sets aside some of its funding for emergency projects, e.g., control of insect and disease outbreaks affecting food production. Requests to the TCP normally are made by government agencies for agriculture, forestry, fisheries, or rural development more broadly. Projects proposed by NGOs, foundations, cooperatives, etc., are also eligible if they are endorsed by the relevant government authorities.
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Ford Foundation

Sustainable Development and Economic Livelihoods
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Ford Foundation makes grants in the USA and internationally in issues of social justice. Among them is "Sustainable Development," which focuses on the developing world. Additionally, the issue "Economic Fairness" includes a sub-theme to help economically poor rural households in developing countries with alternative livelihoods, often based on natural resources. Most grants in these two issue areas are made to conservation and development NGOs, universities and research institutes, regional and international networks, and other civil society organizations. Applicants fill out a grant inquiry form, which is submitted online.
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French Development Agency (AFD)

Local Grants in African Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: France
AFD makes local grants for projects in what it calls the "Least Developed Countries of the Priority Aid Solidarity Zone," or PSZ. These are principally Francophone countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Grant seekers should contact AFD's country offices, which normally connect with France's diplomatic missions.
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French Global Environment Facility (FFEM)

Mainstream Projects
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: France
The FFEM adds financial resources to the French government's contribution to the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). FFEM considers projects in all developing countries eligible for official development assistance, with priority given to Africa and the Mediterranean. Grant seekers apply through any one of the five French institutional members of FFEM to discuss project ideas. The process begins with a pre-identification note.
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GDF SUEZ Foundation

Energy, Climate, and Biodiversity
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: France
The central interests of the Foundation are social responsibility and the environment. The Foundation funds projects to provide economically poor communities with improved access to energy, including renewable energy ("Energy Partners"). It also funds projects in reforestation, conservation of fauna and flora, and measures to combat the effects of climate change ("Biodiversity and Climate"). Grants are to nonprofit organizations that have been in existence for at least three years, with preference for countries where GDF SUEZ is present. Applications can be prepared in French or English.
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German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ)

Civil Society in Developing Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Germany
The German federal government provides embassies and consulates with small budgets to support micro-projects in technical cooperation. This scheme is for local and self-help initiatives at the grassroots level. Germany's embassies and consulates provide support either directly or indirectly. Applicants request the relevant German embassy for information about small-scale projects in technical cooperation.
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German Federal Ministry for Environment (DBU)

Environmental Projects in Europe
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Germany
DBU makes grants for environmental technology, environmental research and nature conservation, environmental communication, and the protection of cultural heritage. Most grants are for work in Germany, although the Foundation funds international projects with organizations in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. Grant seekers can find an overview of the Foundation's international activities. It identifies the Foundation's contact persons for inquiries about international collaboration.
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Global Environment Facility

Projects for Global Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The GEF is the financial mechanism for four international conventions (Biodiversity; Climate Change; Persistent Organic Pollutants; and Desertification) in addition to supporting implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer. Project concepts can be developed by governments, NGOs, communities, the private sector, and other civil society entities. Grant seekers begin by contacting GEF's operational focal point to verify that project ideas will be eligible for GEF's consideration. They subsequently prepare a Project Identification Form in close coordination with one of GEF's partner agencies.
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Global Environment Facility

GEF Small Grants Program
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
GEF's Small Grants Program funds community-based projects in biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and abatement, protection of international waters, prevention of land degradation, and reduction of the impact of persistent organic pollutants (i.e., the focal areas of the GEF more widely). Grant recipients are community-based organizations, NGOs, and other grassroots organizations. The maximum grant size is US$50 thousand, and the average is about US$25 thousand. Grant seekers contact the relevant SGP National Coordinator for guidelines and an application form.
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Global Nature Fund (GNF)

Living Lakes Network
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Germany
The GNF is active in the protection and conservation of lakes, wetlands, and drinking water through the Living Lakes Network, which operates internationally. Members are able to include their projects and proposals in the Living Lakes portfolio for the attention of potential donors and sponsors. Members may also apply for assistance to participate in the meetings, workshops, and conferences of Living Lakes -- and to seek other forms of networking and training support.
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Global Village Energy Partnership (GVEP)

Energy Enterprises
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
GVEP aims to create and strengthen small and medium energy enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean. GVEP is active in capacity building, technical advising, and promoting access to finance. Financial assistance takes the form of equity investments, loan guarantees, and grants. GVEP does not directly provide this capital, but it acts as intermediary with the funding organizations. GVEP accepts expressions of interest for energy projects in Sub-Saharan Africa from entrepreneurs, management teams, and project developers.
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Community Development and Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
GlobalGiving is on online fundraising platform for international philanthropy, with an emphasis on grassroots projects in the developing world. Potential donors select from a range of projects in need of funding. Projects can be self-nominated, or recommended by others. The online nomination form requests basic information about the organization and its objectives, staffing and budget, internet access, nonprofit status, and current fundraising activities.
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Hellenic Aid

Civil Society in Developing Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Greece
Some Greek embassies, particularly in the Balkan countries, administer a Small Projects Fund. Grant seekers contact the relevant Greek embassy or consulate.
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Hewlett Foundation

Energy and Climate
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation's grant making for environment includes the sub-program Energy and Climate. This sub-program makes grants to strengthen global climate policy, with grant making worldwide. The Foundation also funds improvements in transportation to reduce air pollution (focusing on China, Mexico, Brazil, and USA).
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Green Entrepreneurship
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Netherlands
The HIVOS program in Green Entrepreneurship aims to build the capacities of rural men and women, and small and medium enterprises, in ways that combine environmental sustainability and economic development. Subject areas include smallholder agriculture, renewable energy, carbon finance, biodiversity, microfinance institutions, and projects that combine these topics.
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HongKong Bank Foundation

Environmental Education and Training in China
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: HongKong
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) has a major presence in Hong Kong, where it founded the Hongkong Bank Foundation. The Foundation makes grants for education, training, community welfare, and the environment in Hong Kong and mainland China. The Foundation funds initiatives that strengthen social links between mainland China and Hong Kong. It also supports projects originating in the mainland. Applicants in mainland China submit their proposals to the China Charity Federation Fund in Beijing.
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Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA)

Civil Society in Partner Developing Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Iceland
ICEIDA's country programs work with grassroots partner organizations, who may sometimes receive indirect financial assistance or assistance in-kind. There is no formal grants program or application process. However, grant seekers in Malawi, Mozambique, and Uganda may want to inquire for information.
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Idea Wild

Equipment and Supplies for Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Idea Wild is a nonprofit organization to provide equipment and supplies in support of biodiversity conservation in developing countries. Grants are to individuals of any nationality engaged in biodiversity conservation, education, or research in the developing countries. An application should include a detailed description of the requested equipment, as well as contact information for the company that sells each item of the equipment. Idea Wild provides internet links to suppliers of the most frequently requested equipment items in order to help applicants choose and identify the items.
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Inter-American Development Bank

Spanish Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
Administered by IDB, the Spanish Cooperation Agency for International Development (AECID) created a special fund for projects related to drinking water; sewage systems; wastewater treatment; urban rainwater drainage; water resources management; solid waste management; and efficiency and operations management. Eligibility for grants includes government entities; companies; cooperatives; NGOs which provide water and sanitation services; and other entities that provide public water and sanitation services in any member country of the Ibero-American Community of Nations, and in Haiti.
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Inter-American Development Bank

Social Entrepreneurship Program
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The SEP helps micro and small producers in marginalized communities with innovative loans and grants. A second type of project funds pilot initiatives for business approaches to supply potable water, renewable energy, and other basic services. Eligibility extends to private companies, NGOs, foundations, cooperatives, producers' associations, and public-private partnerships that operate in any of IDB's member countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Applicants contact the relevant country office of IDB for guidance to fill out a preliminary application.
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Inter-American Development Bank

Multilateral Investment Fund
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
MIF (FOMIN in Spanish) supports financial institutions such as banks, cooperatives, producers associations, and NGOs -- which in turn lend to micro and small enterprises. Activities funded under MIF include sustainable agriculture, markets for clean energy, technologies for cleaner production, sustainable tourism, and the establishment of environmental funds. Public as well as non-profit organizations (NGOs, industry associations, chambers of commerce, and foundations) are eligible to apply. MIF requires counterpart contributions.
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Inter-American Foundation

Grants for NGOs in Latin America and Caribbean
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
IAF makes grants to non-governmental and community-based organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean to raise living conditions of disadvantaged populations, and to advance other social goals. The Foundation's grant-making interests include grassroots projects in agriculture; clean water and sanitation; community conservation; and local management of natural resources (forests, fisheries, etc.). Applications can be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, or Haitian Creole.
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Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO)

Grassroots Agriculture, Climate Change, and Natural Resources
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Netherlands
ICCO works towards a world in which people can live in dignity and well-being without poverty and injustice. It supports projects in agricultural markets; food security and water; prevention and adaptation to climate change; access to land and forests for minorities; and prevention of natural disasters. Most programs and projects are managed from ICCO's regional offices, each of which defines specific focus areas. Civil society organizations that want to inquire about partnering with ICCO should make contact at the regional level.
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International Fund for Agricultural Development

Research and Technical Assistance
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
IFAD makes grants for research and capacity building in agriculture, natural resources, and related strategies to address rural poverty. It makes grants at the country level, and at regional and global levels. IFAD’s operations in a country are framed by that country’s Country Strategic Opportunities Program (COSOP). Most small grants (i.e., under US$500 thousand) focus on capacity building, awareness raising, knowledge networks, policy advocacy, and rural innovation. Grant seekers should contact IFAD’s country program managers to explore funding possibilities. Additionally, IFAD provides an email address for its Grants Secretariat.
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International Osprey Foundation

Research on Ospreys and Other Raptors
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
IOF makes grants to individuals for research on ospreys, other raptors, and environmental topics related to birds and wildlife in general. Grant recipients include many whose research focuses in the developing countries. There are no restrictions by nationality. Grant seekers should contact the Foundation with details of the proposed project.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

International Otter Survival Fund

Otter Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Fund works globally to conserve all 13 species of otter by helping to support scientists and others in practical conservation, education, research, and rescue and rehabilitation. Applicants contact IOSF to provide the following information: title of proposal; location; species; aim of project; need for the project; methods; desired achievement; personnel involved and their experience; timetable; budget; and names, organizations, addresses, and contact email of two referees.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Irish Aid

Support for Civil Society
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Ireland
Irish Aid directs a significant share of it funding to NGOs. Funding programs in partner developing countries may include micro-projects and fellowships. Grant seekers in the partner countries should inquire with Irish Aid locally.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Israeli Agency for International Development (MASHAV)

Training in Developing Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Israel
MASHAV delivers mobile short courses in requesting developing countries, combining Israeli instructors with local counterparts for each course. The offerings include courses in agriculture via MASHAV's partnership with CINADCO. The requesting organization(s) contact the relevant Israeli diplomatic mission to submit a formal request.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

J.M. Kaplan Fund

Environment Program
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Kaplan's program in environment focuses on protection of the high seas, ocean livability, and marine protected areas. Most grant recipients in this program are well-established conservation organizations in the USA and internationally. The great majority of grant-funded projects are chosen by Kaplan's staff. However, the Fund accepts online letters of inquiry.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Training Programs in Japan
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Japan
JICA supports individuals from the developing countries to travel to Japan for training, education, and professional contacts. Most participants are affiliated with the public sector, although an increasing number of participants are from civil society. These capacity-building initiatives connect with JICA's bilateral projects in developing countries. They are accessed through JICA's country offices.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Grassroots Human Security Grants
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Japan
The Grassroots Human Security Grants are made to grassroots civil society organizations, local governments, and other organizations in developing countries. These grants are offered through some of the Japanese diplomatic missions. Potentially interested applicants need to inquire with the relevant embassy or other diplomatic mission.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Jephcott Charitable Trust

Natural Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
Projects funded by Jephcott in the theme of Natural Environment include examples in small-scale agriculture, livestock production, horticulture, agricultural training, community water supply, environmental education, tree planting, renewable energy, etc. Eligibility for grants extends to registered charities and properly constituted organizations in all parts of the world.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

John Ellerman Foundation

Marine Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Foundation's environment program supports UK-based non-governmental organizations for projects in better-managed habitats, and conservation of marine ecosystems. Eligibility for grants is open to small and medium UK-based charities. The Foundation will consider a small number of grants for work in the UK's Overseas Territories, and exceptionally for marine projects outside UK waters.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Kitchen Table Charities Trust

Grassroots Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Trust aims to improve the social and economic conditions of communities. Past projects include several in rainwater harvesting, borehole drilling, pump installation, and related activities that link water, sanitation, and health. The Trust funds revenue-generating activities such as vegetable gardens, bee keeping, goat rearing, agricultural cooperatives, and similar examples. Grants can be made to charities that have registration in the UK, and to charities registered in the countries of the projects.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail


Appropriate Technologies
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Kopernik is an online marketplace to enable communities in developing countries to have access to simple but innovative technologies for projects in energy, water, and others. Applicants (Local Partners) request from a list of available technology products. Kopernik raises funds and manages the distribution of the products to the selected recipients.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

Training, Technical Assistance, and Project Funding
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: South Korea
KOICA accepts requests for training, technical assistance, and project funding from governments, NGOs, universities, and other organizations. It also accepts requests from individuals for training. KOICA publishes forms in English to facilitate requests for project funding; equipment; training in country; training in Korea; the services of Korean volunteers; and the services of Korean technical experts.
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Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

Training in South Korea
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: South Korea
KOICA provides capacity building for professionals, researchers, and policy makers from developing countries for training and education at its International Cooperation Center in Korea. KOICA publishes an annual list of training programs. Potential applicants in developing countries contact KOICA's country offices and/or Korea's diplomatic missions to express interest.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Lemelson Foundation

Developing Country Programs
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation's grants and fellowships emphasize innovation and invention that address the needs of the poorest people. This includes innovations in water supply, renewable energy, agricultural production, etc. The Foundation funds very few unsolicited applications. However, it accepts short concept notes by email.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Lighthouse Foundation

Coastal and Marine Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Germany
The Foundation supports projects which aim to solve long-term problems in marine locations within the context of sustainable development. Thematic areas are climate change and the rising sea level; fisheries and marine resources; education, culture, tourism, and science; and sustainable development and oceans. The Foundation posts its criteria for cooperation with partners.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Lithuanian Development Cooperation

Small Grants in Partner Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Lithuania
Depending on available funds, Lithuania's embassies in bilateral partner countries may offer small grants to local organizations. Grant seekers in Afghanistan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine should inquire for information with Lithuania's diplomatic missions.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Lush Retail, Ltd.

Animal Protection, Environment, and Human Rights
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
Lush makes grants to small grassroots organizations for projects in environment, animal protection, and human rights. It prefers to support projects which aim to change opinion and behavior through raising awareness of issues, activism, and education and campaigning.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Organizations in Partner Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Luxembourg
Luxembourg is unable to fund civil society organizations in countries other than Luxembourg. However, grant seekers in other countries can inquire about project partnerships with Luxembourg's NGOs, including those in the Circle of Cooperation. They should also inquire for information with the regional offices of Lux-Development and/or with Luxembourg's diplomatic missions.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Margaret A. Cargill Foundation

Environment and Biodiversity
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
This program focuses on enabling local communities to contribute to conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems consistent with their food production, water supply, flood control, living space, and other basic needs. The Foundation takes a worldwide view. Projects and programs planned or in early stages of funding include tropical forest conservation in Latin America; conservation of forests and marine resources in coastal Alaska and British Columbia; land and sea conservation in Micronesia; conservation of coastal and marine resources in Indonesia; and environmental education at youth camps in the midwestern USA. The Foundation does not consider unsolicited applications for support. However, it posts an email address for program inquiries.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Marisla Foundation

Marine Resources and Toxic Chemicals
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation's primary environmental emphasis is conservation of marine resources in western North America, Chile, and the western Pacific. Marisla also makes grants to manage and reduce toxic chemicals. Eligibility for grants extends to charitable organizations and governmental entities. Applications are reviewed four times each year.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Mava Foundation

Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Economy
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Switzerland
The Mava Foundation aims to promote the protection of nature by conserving biodiversity and ecosystem functions; promoting sustainable management and use of natural resources; and fostering a strong and effective conservation community. Its regional priorities are the Mediterranean Basin, the coastal zone of West Africa, and the Alpine Arc and Switzerland. Additionally, Mava engages in actions that contribute to conservation at a global level. Grant recipients are primarily international NGOs, research institutes and universities, and local NGOs. Applicants who believe they meet Mava's strategy and funding criteria submit a project concept note and budget.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Max and Anna Levinson Foundation

Ecological and Sustainable World
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation makes grants to activist nonprofit organizations committed to developing a more just, caring, ecological, and sustainable world. Interests include ecosystems and biodiversity; renewable energy; sustainable agriculture; climate change; and environmental movements. Most grants are about US$30 thousand for actions in the USA and developing countries.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail


Online Funding for Sustainable Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Monaco
Maximpact is an online platform to bring together entrepreneurs, investors, and philanthropic funders to share information and form partnerships in support of funding for sustainable development. Subject areas in Maximpact include agriculture, clean technology, sustainable construction, renewable energy, environmental conservation, pollution control, natural resources management, and water resources. Entrepreneurs register with Maximpact in order to post project profiles and collaboration interests, including interests in obtaining funding support.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Merlin Trust

Grants for Young Horticulturalists
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Merlin Trust supports young horticulturalists in Britain and Ireland with small grants for study visits related to plants and horticultural gardens in the UK and internationally. Several past grants have been used for projects in the developing world. Applicants must be between ages 18 to 35, or in their first five years of a career in horticulture, and have British or Irish nationality. Funding is also available for international students studying in the UK.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Minor Foundation for Major Challenges

Public Awareness on Climate Change
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Norway
The Foundation supports innovative, experimental, and untested communication measures to raise awareness on climate change. Preference is for projects with a controversial message in order to create discussion. The Foundation welcomes applications from all over the world. It looks favorably on projects that promote North-South cooperation.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail


Grassroots Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Germany
Misereor is the international development agency of the Catholic Church in Germany. Its mission is to fight hunger, disease, poverty, and other forms of human suffering in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Issues and themes include climate change and justice; food security and agriculture; access to land; energy for the poor; and extractive industries. Misereor posts guidelines in multiple languages regarding how to request funding support.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas (MCFA)

Funding for Conservation and Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The MCFA makes grants to non-profit charitable organizations in the Americas (Canada, USA, and Latin America) for biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, environmental justice, and environmental education. Most recent grants are for 2-4 years, ranging in amount from under US$30 thousand up to US$1 million. MCFA states that the ideal timing for submitting proposals is during the first quarter of the calendar year.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Mitsubishi Corporation Fund for Europe and Africa

Environment and Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Mitsubishi Corporation Fund for Europe and Africa contributes to environment and development projects in Europe and Africa in environmental conservation; education of the public in environmental conservation; and poverty alleviation. Grants are made to charitable nonprofit organizations and academic institutions in the UK, Europe, and Africa. Most grants range from £20 thousand to £150 thousand.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Morris Animal Foundation

Betty White Wildlife Rapid Response Fund
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Rapid Response Fund is a funding mechanism for quick action in cases of wildlife disease outbreak and other events that threaten wildlife health. Grants from the Rapid Response Fund are made to wildlife researchers and veterinarians worldwide. Grants range from US$5 thousand to US$20 thousand (exceptional projects are up to US$50 thousand).
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

National Geographic Society

Committee for Research and Exploration
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
This program supports scientific field research in anthropology, archaeology, astronomy, biology, botany, geography, geology, oceanography, paleontology, and zoology. The Committee welcomes multidisciplinary projects that address environmental issues, as well as projects that promote the growth of scientific infrastructure in countries where such infrastructure is lacking. Applicants are expected to have advanced degrees (Ph.D. or equivalent) and be associated with an educational organization or institution. Applications are open to all nationalities. Most grants range from US$15 thousand to US$20 thousand.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

National Geographic Society

Conservation Trust
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Conservation Trust funds projects for the preservation and sustainable use of biological, cultural, and historical resources worldwide. Grants are to individuals who have a record of previous relevant research or conservation activity, but applicants are not required to have a Ph.D. or other advanced degree. There are no nationality restrictions. Most grants range from US$15 thousand to US$20 thousand.
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National Geographic Society

Expeditions Council
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Expeditions Council makes grants for exploration of largely unrecorded or little-known areas of the Earth, and of regions undergoing significant environmental or cultural changes. This refers to remote forest, upland, underground, and marine zones. International applicants are encouraged, although submissions must be made in English. Most grants are US$15 thousand to US$35 thousand.
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National Geographic Society

Young Explorers Grants
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
These are seed grants for individuals 18-25 years of age in the thematic areas which the National Geographic Society traditionally supports. Grants are to individuals who have prior experience in research, conservation, or exploration. Applicants are not required to have advanced degrees. There are no nationality restrictions. Most grants range between US$2 thousand and US$5 thousand.
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National Geographic Society

Big Cats Initiative
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Big Cats Initiative aims to halt the decline of lions, cheetahs, leopards, jaguars, and other big cats worldwide. Eligibility for grants extends to field-based conservationists, environmental educators, students, and researchers.
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National Geographic Society

NGS/Waitt Grants
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The NGS/Waitt program funds exploration projects in ecology and archaeology which require venture capital. Applicants are not required to have advanced degrees to be eligible for funding, but they must have a commensurate level of expertise and experience. Supported individuals must be affiliated with an educational organization or other institution. There are no nationality requirements. Most grants are US$5 thousand to US$15 thousand.
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Network for Social Change

Development and Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
Grant making supports socially progressive projects in the UK and developing countries. Grants include some for environment, natural resources, and related areas. The Network does not accept unsolicited funding applications. However, the Network is willing to receive project ideas from outside of its membership via its Project Noticeboard.
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Nippon Foundation

Overseas Activities
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Japan
The Nippon Foundation makes its overseas grants to nonprofit organizations based outside of Japan. This refers to local, regional, and international NGOs and other nonprofit organizations, including educational and research institutions. Past projects and education/training include examples in small-scale agriculture and natural resources. There is no minimum or maximum grant size.
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Nippon Foundation

Marine and Maritime Affairs
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Japan
Particular interests in this program area include legal, policy, and governance issues in maritime affairs; support for multilateral networks on ocean issues; and marine environmental management and oceanography. Applications are accepted from non-profit organizations based outside of Japan. They can be regional or international NGOs/NPOs, including educational and research institutions.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Oak Foundation

Climate Change
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Switzerland
Grants are to non-profit organizations to support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the power and transport sectors of developed and emerging economies, e.g., Brazil, China, and India. Activities include policy analysis, awareness raising, coalition building, advocacy campaigns, and related initiatives. Grants generally range from US$100 thousand to US$1 million, with a few grants that are larger. The program accepts letters of inquiry.
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Oak Foundation

Marine Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Switzerland
This program makes grants in three different themes: (i) Marine reserves and sustainable economic development related to the Mesoamerican Reef; (ii) Ecosystem management of coastal and marine resources in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans; and (iii) Support for the European Common Fisheries Policy. Grants generally range from US$100 thousand to US$1 million, with a few grants that are larger. The program accepts letters of inquiry.
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Ocean Foundation

Marine and Ocean Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation aims to support organizations dedicated to reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environments around the world. Program areas cover essentially all aspects of marine and ocean conservation. The Foundation does not accept unsolicited funding requests. However, it accepts brief letters of inquiry from grant seekers who summarize their projects in a single page.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Onaway Trust

Support for Indigenous Populations
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
Onaway makes seed grants to help indigenous peoples maintain and strengthen their identity, culture, and heritage -- including their land heritage. This extends to their knowledge and traditions of managing the land and natural resources for food products, medicines, building materials, fuel, and other basic needs. There are no stated nationality requirements. Most grants are under £10 thousand.
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One Percent for the Planet

Environmental Sustainability
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
One Percent for the Planet encourages businesses to commit 1% of their sales revenues to support environmental organizations. Nonprofit organizations registered with One Percent are eligible to receive funding from the participating businesses. Applications to register are accepted from nonprofit organizations worldwide that are focused on issues of environmental sustainability.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)

Grants Program
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
OFID makes grants to support technical assistance for small-scale social projects, to fund research and capacity building, and to provide emergency aid. Other grants support special accounts, including one on "Energy Poverty." Eligibility for grants extends to international, national, regional, and non-governmental organizations in all developing countries, except OPEC's member countries. The highest priority is for initiatives that benefit the world's least-developed countries.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Pacific Asia Travel Association

Sustainable Tourism
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
PATA makes grants for projects in environmental and cultural heritage that contribute to sustainable tourism in the Asia-Pacific region. The grants support objectives in environmental protection, heritage conservation, and education and awareness. The majority of grants are to organizations based in the region’s developing countries and territories. Grants are a maximum of US$10 thousand.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Pacific Seabird Group

Craig S. Harrison Conservation Fund
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Craig S. Harrison Conservation Fund makes grants for conservation of seabirds in the Pacific Ocean, and for expanding seabird expertise in developing countries within or bordering the Pacific Ocean. Priority for grants is to citizens of developing countries in the Pacific region. However, other applicants also qualify for grants under certain circumstances. Most grants are less than US$2 thousand.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Paul K. Feyerabend Foundation (PKF)

Community and Solidarity
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Switzerland
The Foundation makes grants in support of grassroots conservation, land and resource rights of indigenous and local communities, and traditional knowledge in managing natural resources. PKF's projects focus heavily on communities in the developing countries. PKF works through a network of nominators. Grant seekers approach the Foundation through these nominators. The maximum grant is €10 thousand for one or two years.
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Philip Morris International (PMI)

Charitable Giving Program
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
PMI supports NGOs with grants and in-kind assistance in communities where the company is represented, and in agricultural regions where it sources tobacco. Grants in the theme "Rural Living Conditions" include support for small-scale agriculture, tree planting, water supply, environmental conservation, biomass fuels, and others. Local non-profit organizations apply for support through PMI's country offices.
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Planet Action

Satellite Images and GIS for Enviromental Applications
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
Planet Action donates satellite images and GIS technologies to non-profit organizations that are working on environmental projects and research. They include NGOs, universities, research centers, and similar organizations worldwide. Most projects in Planet Action focus on climate change and other issues of environment in the developing world. Applicants submit project requests online. For projects that are accepted, Planet Action communicates the implementation steps to the applicants.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Polish Aid

Small Grants System
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Poland
Many of Poland's diplomatic missions in developing countries have budgets to make one-year grants for local projects. Guidelines and supporting materials are posted by Polish Aid. Grant seekers in developing countries should inquire for information about the Small Grants Fund from Poland's diplomatic missions.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Purley Overseas Trust (POST)

Grassroots Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
POST aims to address the problems of deprivation in the developing world by supporting grassroots projects which allow people to help themselves. The Trust makes grants for small-scale projects across a range of interests that include agriculture, water supply, energy, and others. Grant recipients are development-oriented charities in the UK and internationally. There is no limit on grant size, but most are in the range of £200 to £1,000.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Rabobank Foundation

Rural Producers Associations and Micro-Finance Institutions
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Foundation provides micro-finance and related support for producer-based agricultural cooperatives in selected countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Priorities include organic cultivation, fair trade, and transparent governance for crops such as coffee, cocoa, fruit, and cotton. The emphasis is loans, guarantees, and technical assistance. However, the Foundation will consider making grants if they contribute towards institutional development and capacity building.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Rainforest Action Network

Protect-an-Acre Fund
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Protect-an-Acre Fund makes small grants to protect forests, promote local self-sufficiency, and strengthen the rights and livelihoods of forest communities. Grants are to local forest communities, indigenous federations, and NGOs active in rainforest zones worldwide. Grants generally do not exceed US$5 thousand.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Rapid Response Facility (RFF)

Emergency Funding for Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The RRF is designed to deliver rapid conservation funding in times of crisis, with a focus on protecting UNESCO's natural World Heritage sites and potential sites. Eligibility for grants extends to agencies legally responsible for site management; registered local, national, and international NGOs; and the private sector. Grants range from US$5 thousand to US$30 thousand for up to six months.
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Capacity Building for Community Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Rare chooses local implementing partners that lead "pride campaigns" to inspire communities to take pride in their natural heritage, and to work towards conservation solutions. Rare offers packages of training and related services, and it helps implementation partners to locate funding for their pride campaigns. Rare accepts expressions of interest.
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Rescued Tools Foundation

Donations of Tools and Small Equipment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Rescued Tools Foundation (Stichting Gered Gereedschap) collects and refurbishes discarded tools and small items of equipment in the Netherlands for the benefit of technical schools and small enterprises in the developing world, mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Some recipient organizations and projects are active in agriculture, fisheries, renewable energy, etc. Organizations that meet the Foundation's criteria for assistance can fill out an application form.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Climate Change and Clean Energy
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Fund's program in Sustainable Development aims to support an understanding of climate change and actions to address it; progress towards clean energy economies; reduced reliance on carbon-intensive energy; and efforts to advance international cooperation on climate change. Most grant recipients are nonprofit educational and civil society organizations in the USA, including some that have international programs. Grants generally range from US$30 thousand to US$300 thousand -- with exceptions -- for periods of one to three years. Applicants use an online grant inquiry form.
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Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Southern China
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Grant making in the program for Southern China focuses on the link between environment and human health; sustainable approaches to meet China's energy needs and address climate change; and community leadership in China in support of sustainable development. Grant recipients are a mix of Chinese and international (mainly USA) organizations. Grants generally range from US$30 thousand to US$300 thousand -- with exceptions -- for periods of one to three years. Applicants use an online grant inquiry form.
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Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Western Balkans
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The program focuses on inclusive collaboration to promote the wise use of natural and cultural resources -- and to engage the public in processes of sustainable development -- with a particular focus on Serbia, Kosovo, and Montenegro. Grant recipients are a mix of national and international (mainly USA) organizations. Grants generally range from US$30 thousand to US$300 thousand -- with exceptions -- for periods of one to three years. Applicants use an online grant inquiry form.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Rockefeller Foundation

Ecosystems, Health, Livelihoods, and Cities
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Rockefeller Foundation funds a wide range of grant-making interests in the USA and worldwide. They include sustainable world cities; climate change resilience; energy in India; environmentally responsible transportation; food security in Africa; and support for sustainable oceans and fisheries. Grant recipients include policy and research institutes, universities, foundations and NGOs, networks and associations, international organizations, and government organizations. A few grants are occasionally made to private companies. Depending on the program and applicant, grants range from under US$25 thousand to multi-million dollars for one to five years. Rockefeller posts a form for online grant inquiries.
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Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd.

Ocean Fund
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Ocean Fund makes grants for marine science and conservation. Many past grants have funded projects in the Caribbean and Pacific regions, and support international marine programs of environmental organizations. Most grants range between US$20 thousand and US$40 thousand for one year. The Fund accepts emails throughout the year from organizations which care to introduce their missions, programs, and potential projects.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Rufford Foundation

Rufford Small Grants for Nature Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Rufford Foundation makes grants for nature conservation undertaken by small and medium-sized organizations for projects in the developing world. The Foundation prefers projects that are pragmatic, and that have a significant human element. There are no restrictions by nationality or country of residence. Grant applications are made in sequential stages: first grant, second grant, booster grant, continuation grant, and completion grant. Grants are up to £6 thousand each for a first grant and a second grant. Applications can be submitted at any time.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Safari Club International Foundation (SCIF)

Wildlife Management and Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
SCIF makes grants for wildlife management, research, and capacity building. Most funded projects focus on the habitats and wildlife species of special interest at SCIF (i.e., the world's "big game" species). Eligibility extends to government agencies, non-governmental organizations, research organizations, private businesses, and universities. Large grants are for projects requiring more than US$5 thousand. Small grants are below US$5 thousand. Applications for large grants must be received before the end of the year. Applications for small grants can be submitted at any time.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Sahee Foundation

Development Support for Swaziland and Peru
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Switzerland
The Sahee Foundation makes grants for agriculture, health, education, and environment in Swaziland and Peru. Sahee selects its partners among regional organizations that are well integrated in these target countries, as well as among local groups in Swaziland and Peru that are launching development project. Most grants range from CHF 10 thousand to CHF 50 thousand per year for projects of one to four years. There is no calendar deadline for applications.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF)

Emergency Funds for Marine Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
SOSF makes grants for research, conservation, and/or education to protect the marine environment. Priority themes are overfishing; ocean predator loss; climate change; ocean pollution; and marine habitat destruction. Emergency funding (grants of less than US$5 thousand) can be applied for at any time.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Save Our Species (SOS)

Rapid Action Grants
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The Fund makes grants to conserve threatened species and their habitats on a worldwide level. Grants address specific conservation priorities determined by IUCN, with new priorities in SOS added each year. Applications for Rapid Action Grants up to US$25 thousand can be submitted at any time to address emergencies that demand specific and targeted conservation actions.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Save the Rhino International (SRI)

Rhino Conservation, Science, and Education
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
SRI aims to increase the number of rhinos in genetically viable populations in the wild; enhance the integrity of ecosystems important to rhinos; and ensure that local communities benefit from rhino conservation. Most grants are to government agencies (i.e., in the rhino range states); conservation NGOs (rhino range states and international); and community-based organizations (local). Grants are in the range of US$20 thousand to US$30 thousand per year, with several that are larger. There is no application deadline.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund

Animal Crisis Grants
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
In addition to its regular program of grant making, the Fund’s Animal Crisis Grants provide rapid funding to aid wildlife and habitats in peril due to either natural or human-caused events. The Fund reserves up to US$100 thousand each year for these grants.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Siemenpuu Foundation

Community Projects in Environment and Natural Resources
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Finland
The Foundation supports civil society organizations working for ecological democracy, environmental protection, and prevention of environmental threats. The Foundation's geographical interests are Indonesia, the Mekong Region, India, Mali, and Latin America. Grant seekers contact these regional and country Cooperation Programs to inquire about the possibilities of collaboration.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Sirenian International

Protection of Manatees and Dugongs
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
Sirenian International makes small grants to sponsor research, conservation, and education on manatees and dugongs. The priority is to support projects in developing countries. Grant recipients include researchers, manatee scientists, university graduate students, and local conservation networks and NGOs. Typical awards are US$500 to $1,000.
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Slovak Aid

Small Grants
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Slovak Republic
Slovakia's diplomatic missions in some partner countries offer micro-grants to civil society organizations. Grant seekers in Slovakia's partner countries need to consult with Slovakia's diplomatic missions. Grants are up to US$5 thousand.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)

Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Spain
The Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation (Fondo de Cooperación para Agua y Saneamiento) is jointly administered with the Inter-American Development Bank. Grants are available to government agencies and civil society organizations that provide services in water and sanitation in member countries of the Latin American Community of Nations (and Haiti). The grants finance projects in drinking water, sewage treatment, storm water drainage, and climate change adaptation. Grant seekers submit their applications through AECID's offices in Latin America.
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Stiftung Mercator

Climate Change
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Germany
The Foundation supports actions in energy, transport, and land use that reduce human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases. The foundation focuses its actions for climate protection on Germany. However, it promotes an interest in climate protection at the pan-European level, and it supports broader international cooperation to prevent dangerous climate change. Particular interests are climate and culture, low-carbon future cities, and the intersection of climate change with international affairs -- e.g., in relation to the Foundation's work with China.
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Stockholm Resilience Center

Environment and Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Sweden
The program in Resilience and Development contributes to ideas, methods, and policies regarding how biodiversity, ecosystem services, and resilience help sustain livelihoods in productive sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. Organizations that want to be considered for potential partnerships contact the staff at ResDev for details. Preferred partners include regional and international network organizations; action-oriented research institutes; think-tank institutions; and civil society organizations based in developing countries.
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Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Support for Civil Society Organizations
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Sweden
Sida funds Swedish civil society organizations that have programs and projects in the developing world. The largest of these are Swedish framework ("umbrella") organizations that in turn make grants to member organizations, including partners in developing countries. Sweden's framework organizations include several that are active in environment and natural resources. Sida explains how civil society organizations in developing countries can contact Swedish framework organizations to inquire about partnerships. Communications and requests are made to the Swedish framework organizations, not to Sida.
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Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Funding for Organizations in Developing Countries
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Switzerland
SDC provides support to partner organizations, especially civil society organizations, in some of Switzerland's priority countries for bilateral development cooperation. SDC publishes a directory of its country and regional programs. Grant seekers inquire for information through these offices.
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Syliva Adams Charitable Trust

Oveseas Grants (East Africa)
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
Grants in this category aim to strengthen the capacity of local NGOs in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda in themes that include small-scale agriculture; water and sanitation; health; and education. The Fund considers applications from UK-based charitable organizations that have an average income over £50 thousand a year. Most grants are in the range of £5 thousand to £30 thousand, and occasionally up to £50 thousand.
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The Big Give

Online Funding Platform
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Big Give is an online crowd funding platform of charitable projects in thematic areas that include environment and animals, emergencies and development, and several others. Donors view the project profiles and make funding contributions through an online process. Most listed charities are based in the UK, although the Big Give allows charities in other countries to register if they are approved by the UK's tax authority.
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The International Foundation

International Projects in Agriculture and Environment
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation was established to help organizations in the USA fund charitable activities internationally. Thematic areas include agriculture, environment, and others. Most grant recipients are small and medium NGOs in the USA engaged in international development assistance. Grants range from US$5 thousand to $15 thousand for one year.
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Tiffany & Co. Foundation

Mining, Coral Conservation, and Urban Parks
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
In the area of environment, Tiffany makes grants for actions in the USA and internationally for responsible mining, coral conservation, and protection of parks and other green spaces. Grants are to nonprofit charitable organizations in the USA. Activities in developing countries are funded via grants to U.S. nonprofit organizations that have international programs or projects. Most grants range from US$50 thousand to US$400 thousand for one to two years, with some grants that are larger. Letters of inquiry may be sent any time.
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Total Foundation

Marine Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: France
The Foundation's grants for marine biodiversity include support for research, education and training, and awareness raising. Grant recipients are a wide range of international organizations, government agencies, conservation NGOs, and research institutes and universities in France and internationally. Applicants identify the project and its objectives; describe their organization and its values; indicate the project’s planned budget; and explain why they are applying for Total’s support.
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Triodos Foundation

Grassroots Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Netherlands
Triodos Bank provides financial support for sustainable “green” organizations in sectors such as agriculture and energy. The Triodos Foundation focuses on grassroots projects in sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, water supply, fair trade, and environmental protection. The international program also makes grants for health and education. Many grant recipients in International Cooperation are civil society organizations in the Netherlands in collaboration with partners in developing countries. Applications are presented to the Foundation by email. There is no calendar deadline.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Turing Foundation

Maine Ecosystems, Sustainable Agriculture, and Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Netherlands
The Foundation's interests include marine ecosystems and protected areas, sustainable organic agriculture and cattle breeding, and reforestation and other conservation initiatives. Projects in marine conservation focus heavily on the Asia-Pacific Coral Triangle, but also include marine protected areas in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Foundation’s funding for sustainable agriculture and livestock is oriented mainly towards West Africa. Most grants are to Dutch and international organizations that work with local partners. Turing does not accept unsolicited applications, but it invites brief project summaries.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF)

Funding for African Enterprises
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The USADF funds enterprise development in agriculture and agricultural processing, natural products, fisheries and aquaculture, energy, eco-tourism, and other sectors. Grants are to agricultural cooperatives and small-scale producer groups; community-based organizations; African intermediary organizations; and small and medium-sized enterprises. Applicants to USADF must be 100% African-owned and managed. USADF provides guidance and application forms (English and French). There are no calendar deadlines.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

UK Department for International Development (DFID)

Programs for Specific Developing Countries and Regions
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
DFID manages thematic and geographical grant making in selected countries and regions. DFID briefly describes each program, including guidelines about working with DFID. Some applications follow calendar deadlines, while others do not.
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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Adaptation Fund
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The Adaptation Fund makes grants for projects and programs that address the adverse impacts of climate change. Eligibility for grants extends to countries which are Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, with emphasis on developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Grants are primarily to government organizations such as national ministries, development institutes, local government authorities, and others -- sometimes in partnership with civil society organizations. Project proposals are submitted through any of the Fund's national, regional, or multilateral Implementing Entities.
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Waitt Foundation

Ocean Conservation (Major Grants)
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation makes grants to strengthen and expand marine protected areas, and to promote sustainable fisheries. Grants support scientific research, policy, management, and public awareness. Eligibility for grants extends to nonprofit charitable organizations in the USA, and to organizations external to the USA which are able to document their charitable status. The minimum grant size is US$100 thousand; there is no maximum. The program will consider multi-year proposals. Preliminary grant requests are accepted all year.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Waitt Foundation

Rapid Ocean Conservation Grants
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
In addition to its larger program grants for ocean/marine conservation, the Waitt Foundation offers small grants with a rapid turnaround time for projects addressing marine fisheries and marine protected areas. Grants are typically US$1 thousand to US$10 thousand (and not above US$20 thousand). Eligibility extends to academic institutions and NGOs in the USA and worldwide for research, policy, management, and awareness building.
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Wallace Genetic Foundation

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation's areas of interest are sustainable agriculture, conservation of natural resources, biodiversity protection, reduction of environmental toxins, and climate change. Grant recipients are tax-exempt nonprofit organizations in the USA such as conservation NGOs, universities, professional associations, and others -- including organizations that are active internationally. Most grants range between US$25 thousand and US$50 thousand for one year.
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Wallace Global Fund

Environmental Policy and Governance
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Fund supports advocacy campaigns, awareness raising, and citizen engagement in environmental policy and governance. It aims to strengthen environmental law and justice; to build grassroots coalitions; and to support media that take progressive positions on social and environmental issues. Grants are to nonprofit charitable organizations for core or project-specific support. Most grants range from US$20 thousand to US$100 thousand, with a few that are larger. The application process begins with a letter of inquiry.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Walton Family Foundation

Marine Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Foundation's grant making in Environment has two thematic areas, freshwater conservation and marine conservation. The program in marine conservation operates internationally to fund marine biodiversity and fisheries management in selected ocean ecosystems of Southeast Asia and Latin America and Caribbean. Grant recipients are mainly large conservation organizations, policy institutes, and universities in the USA. The Foundation also makes grants to organizations in other countries, e.g., Mexico and others. Grants range from under US$50 thousand to multi-million dollars.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

Waterloo Foundation

World Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Foundation's program for World Development includes a theme on water, sanitation, and hygiene. In addition, the program occasionally funds projects to generate income from apiculture and sustainable aquaculture. The Foundation gives priority to projects in the world's least-developed countries. Grants are to registered nonprofit charitable organizations in the UK and other countries. Applicants from outside the UK need to provide references. There is no minimum or maximum grant size, but TWF is unlikely to offer a grant of more than £100 thousand per year.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

World Bank

Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF)
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The PPIAF facilitates public-private partnerships in energy supply, water supply and waste treatment, and other types of infrastructure. The Facility funds technical assistance, and it makes grants to sub-national entities that want to improve their access to credit. PPIAF provides eligibility criteria, application guidelines, an application form, and contact information. Most proposals to PPIAF originate through national and local governments, although the application process is open to all. Applications can be submitted at any time.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

World Bank

Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA)
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
GPOBA supports the delivery of basic services for energy, water and sanitation, and other sectors. The program links aid payments to the delivery of specific services, or "outputs." Grants are for technical assistance, and for dissemination of experience. GPOBA's grant program is open to international financial institutions, bilateral donors, NGOs, public and private infrastructure operators, and national and local governments. Applicants submit an application form, using GPOBA's guidelines and formats. GPOBA has one application window for technical assistance, and another for dissemination.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

World Land Trust

Land Purchase for Conservation
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: UK
The Trust provides funding for the initial acquisition of land that has conservation importance. It also funds additional activities related to protection, biodiversity monitoring, education, outreach, habitat restoration, and species reintroduction. The Trust works with legally registered and experienced conservation NGOs based in developing countries. Qualified conservation organizations which seek to become a partner prepare a project proposal that follows the Trust's criteria. There is no calendar deadline.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

World Meteorological Organization

Voluntary Cooperation Program
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: International
The VCP is a mechanism to supply equipment, technical services, and fellowships to improve meteorological and hydrological services in developing countries. Only national agencies can submit requests for equipment and technical services. Requests for fellowships can be submitted by individuals attached to national meteorological and hydrological services, particularly in least-developed countries vulnerable to natural disasters.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

World Wildlife Fund U.S.

Professional Development Grants
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Professional Development Grants are one part of the Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program at WWF-US. Professional development grants are up to US$6,500 to support mid-career conservationists in eligible participating countries to pursue non-degree training to upgrade their knowledge and skills. The opportunities include short courses, certificate trainings, conferences, and similar.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail

World Wildlife Fund U.S.

Alumni Grants
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: USA
The Alumni Grants are one part of the Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program at WWF-US. Alumni Grants provide ongoing support of former WWF-US fellows and scholars to conduct research or attend conferences and workshops. Grant requests may not exceed US $3,500.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail


Grassroots Actions
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Netherlands
XminusY makes small grants for grassroots actions across a range of thematic areas, including ecology (environment). It supports politically controversial projects that do not easily find financial aid elsewhere. Examples of supported activities include demonstrations, blockades, occupations, direct actions, revolts, revolutions, and other confrontational action. Grants are a maximum of €3 thousand.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail


Online Fundraising for Conservation and Development
Apply Anytime: 
Principal Office: Switzerland
Xperedon is a crowd-sourcing program to raise funds for charitable causes worldwide. The categories include animals/wildlife, environment, development, and many others. Several of the charities operate in the developing world. Charities register with Xperedon in order to be able to submit information about their missions, activities, locations, and other key details.
See More Information: View    Grant: Detail


Terra Viva Grants Directory

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