О международных грантах в области сохранения биоразнообразия, сельского хозяйства

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November 2013

Animal Behavior Society -- Grants and Awards 2013. The ABS offers several categories of research grants for graduate students. Additionally, ABS invites applications from students and from established researchers in developing countries for the Developing Nations Research Grant. Applicants must be active members of ABS. The application deadline is 14 November 2013. Link

Aspen Institute -- New Voices Fellowship 2014. The New Voices Fellowship offers development experts a year-long program of media support, training, research, and writing under the guidance of experienced mentors and trainers to help them reach a broader global audience. Fellows must be from a developing country, and ideally work and live in their country of origin or another developing country. Subjects such as agriculture, environment, climate change, and similar are highly relevant. The deadline for nominations is 20 November 2013. Link

Associated Country Women of the World -- Projects 2014. The Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) supports women in their efforts to reduce poverty, improve health, and advance education through 460 member societies active in over 70 countries. Projects in the "Water for All Fund" address water, sanitation, and hygiene. Projects in "Women Feed the World Fund" include support for progressive farming techniques, and upgrading women’s skills in agriculture. Applications from member societies should be completed no later than 30 November 2013. Applications from non-member organizations should be submitted 01-31 January 2014. Link

AXA Research Fund -- Post-Doctoral Fellowships 2014. The AXA Research Fund supports research to help understand risk management and prevention, including risks related to natural disasters and climate change. Applications can be submitted by pre-registered research institutions in EU member states and collaborating countries (including the following developing countries: Albania, Algeria, Belarus, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Qatar, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam). The next application deadline for post-doctoral fellowships (first round, selection of institutions) is 15 November 2013. Link

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -- Feedback and Accountability for Agricultural Development. Round 12 of the Bill and Melinda Gates Grand Challenges in Global Health includes a topic on effective ways to obtain feedback from smallholder farmers, and being held accountable to them, in agricultural development projects. Projects may be tested and performed anywhere in the world, but solutions must be relevant for Sub-Saharan Africa and/or South Asia. Funding is up to US$100 thousand over 18 months. Applications are invited from private and public organizations worldwide. The deadline for submissions is 12 November 2013. Link

Bond'innov -- Incubation of Enterprises for Sustainable Development, 5th Call for Proposals. In association with the French Institute of Development Research (IRD), Bond'innov supports innovative French enterprises that have application in the global South. Bond'innov provides two years of support on IRD's campus in Bondy, France, in the form of advice, networking, and the search for financing. The application deadline is 18 November 2013. Link

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund -- Biodiversity Conservation in the Eastern Afromontane Region. As an element in its worldwide programs, the CEPF makes grants in support of biodiversity conservation in the Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot. The current announcement is for projects in Burundi, Dem Rep Congo, Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe that correspond to the strategic directions indicated in the call for proposals. The deadlines for letters of interest (English, French) are 31 October 2013 for large grants (over US$20 thousand), and 14 November 2013 for small grants. Link

French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) -- Research on Coastal Biodiversity in French Guyana. France's CNRS will fund inter-disciplinary research in French Guyana for studies addressing marine turtles, mangroves, fisheries, local livelihoods, and other elements of coastal dynamics. The CNRS will fund travel expenses and small equipment for research projects of two months to one year. The deadline for applications (French, English) is 29 November 2013. Link

MacArthur Foundation -- Conservation in Watersheds of Colombia and Ecuador. The MacArthur Foundation's funding for conservation includes a priority for Andean watersheds. The current call is for three-year projects that slow ecosystem degradation in watersheds of the northern Andes (Colombia and Ecuador). The aim is to balance the needs of resident communities with biodiversity objectives. The deadline for letters of interest is 18 November 2013. Link

Morris Animal Foundation -- Wildlife Health and Welfare 2014. The Morris Animal Foundation supports research on animal health and welfare, including wildlife/exotics. The Foundation invites proposals in several categories (i.e., established investigator; first award; fellowship training; pilot study). The application deadline for wildlife/exotics is 20 November 2013. (Note: The Foundation also manages a wildlife rapid response fund that has no calendar deadlines.) Link

Research Council of Norway -- Research on Natural Resources in Latin America. The Research Council of Norway announces its last call in the program LATINAMERIKA to support research projects and post-doctoral research fellowships. Among the priority topics is one on the management, exploitation, and conservation of natural resources in Latin America. The program is open to all Norwegian research institutes. Norwegian project leaders are encouraged to collaborate with partners at Latin American institutions, and the Council accepts applications that request funding for the Latin American partners. The application deadline is 27 November 2013. Link

Saiga Conservation Alliance -- Small Grants 2013-2014. The Saiga Conservation Alliance promotes saiga conservation in the range states of Russia and Central Asia. Grants in the current round of support are for budgets from US$10 thousand to US$15 thousand. Application materials are available in English and Russian. The application deadline is 01 November 2013. Link

Scottish Government -- International Development Small Grants Program. Scotland's International Development Small Grants Program supports projects in Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and three Indian states (Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Orissa). The program is open to Scottish charitable organizations with an annual turnover of less than £150 thousand. Priority themes include renewable energy, ameliorating climate change, agriculture, and others -- varying by country. Project grants are up to £60 thousand over three years; feasibility and capacity building grants are up to £10 thousand for one year. The application deadline is 29 November 2013. Link

UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) -- Funding for International Collaboration. The BBSRC invites applications for awards that promote collaboration of UK researchers with partners in "other countries" (referring to countries not already working with BBSRC). The program is open to researchers that currently have BBSRC funding, and to UK academic consortia. BBSRC particularly welcomes applications for partnerships with researchers in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, and Vietnam. Funding is typically up to £30 thousand over four years for travel, subsistence, and activities such as workshops and exchanges. The application deadline is 27 November 2013. Link

UK Government -- Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) -- Fellowship Opportunities. ESPA is the joint program of three UK agencies, in coordination with UK universities, to support research on how ecosystems in developing countries can be sustainably managed to contribute to poverty reduction and inclusive and sustainable growth. ESPA invites applications for two categories of fellowships: early-career research (for all nationalities), and research capacity strengthening (for nationals of low-income countries). In both programs, fellows will link their research to active ESPA projects. The closing date for applications is 20 November 2013. Link

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues -- Trust Fund Call for Proposals 2014. The UNPFII's Trust Fund for the Second Decade gives priority to issues important for the world's indigenous peoples -- including environmental governance (with specific focus on the respect of the principle of free, prior, and informed consent). Grants are up to US$10 thousand for projects of one year. The application deadline is 01 November 2013. Link

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- Asian Elephant Conservation Fund 2014. As part of its program "Wildlife Without Borders," the USFWS makes grants for the conservation of selected wildlife species, including Asian elephants. Grants are for applied research, training, conservation management, community outreach, law enforcement, decreased human-wildlife conflicts, and other activities in conservation. Preference is for proposals that request less than US$50 thousand and that have matching support. Eligibility extends worldwide to qualified and relevant government agencies, other organizations, multi-national secretariats, and individuals. The application deadline is 01 November 2013. Link

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- Conservation of Neotropical Migratory Birds. The USA's Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Account funds projects in the USA, Canada, and Latin America and the Caribbean to promote the long-term conservation of neotropical migratory birds and their habitats. Eligibility for grants extends to individuals and organizations in the USA, other countries, and to international organizations. The application deadline is 18 November 2013. Link

December 2013

Australia Awards for Africa -- Scholarships and Fellowships 2014. Australia Awards funds qualified African candidates for masters studies in Australia in subjects of agriculture and food security; health; natural resource management; public policy; and water and sanitation. Additionally, the program offers short-term fellowships for professional training in Africa and/or Australia in agriculture, mining, and several other thematic areas. Application deadlines are 13 December 2013 for the master's scholarships, and 17 January 2014 for the professional fellowships. Link

AXA Research Fund -- Research on Risk Management, Academic Chairs 2014. The AXA Research Fund supports research to help understand risk management and prevention, including risks related to natural disasters and climate change. Applications can be submitted by pre-registered research institutions in EU member states and collaborating countries (including the following developing countries: Albania, Algeria, Belarus, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Qatar, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam). The next application deadline for Academic Chairs is 06 December 2013. Link

Europe-China Research -- Green Economy in China. National research institutions in four European countries (France, Germany, Netherlands, UK) will coordinate with the National Natural Science Foundation of China for projects between European and Chinese researchers on "The Green Economy" and "Understanding Population Change." Proposals should include leading European researchers wishing to develop contacts with leading researchers in China, and involve participation from at least two different participating European countries and a Chinese consortium. The closing date for applications is 03 December 2013. Link

Explorers Club -- Grants for Student Exploration and Field Research 2014. The Explorers Club makes grants to students for international field projects, including projects focusing on environment and natural resources. The Youth Activity Fund is for high school students and university undergraduates. The Exploration Fund is for graduate and post-graduate students, including early-career post-doctoral students. There are no nationality restrictions. Grants in both categories range from US$500 to US$5,000. The application deadline is 16 December 2013. Link

Flemish Inter-University Council (VLIR) -- Project Calls VLIR-UOS 2014. VLIR-UOS is the secretariat of Flemish universities for development cooperation, with funding by Belgian Development Cooperation. (i) The program Short Research Stays funds university researchers and academics in specific countries of Africa, Latin America, and Asia for short stays (90 days maximum) at universities or university colleges in Flanders. (ii) The program South Initiatives 2014 is for small projects initiated by universities in Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam in collaboration with universities in Flanders. (iii) TEAM RD Congo 2014 is open to seven partner universities in the Dem Rep Congo. (iv) VLIR-UOS posts additional grants that may be of interest. The next application deadlines are 25 October 2013 for Short Research Stays; 03 December 2013 for South Initiatives; and 03 December 2013 for TEAM RD Congo. Link

Fundación La Caixa – Grants for Socioeconomic Development 2013-2014. La Caixa Foundation (Barcelona) makes grants for projects in socioeconomic development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Past grants include many in aspects of agriculture, energy, and environment. The program is open to Spanish nonprofit organizations and local partners for grants up to €450 thousand. The closing date for applications is 13 December 2013. Link

Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund -- Grant Program 2014. The Keidanren Fund supports field projects in environment, biodiversity, and natural resources in developing countries, with emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region. The program is open to groups and organizations with appropriate legal status, and at least three years of experience in nature conservation. Grants are for one year. The application deadline is 10 December 2013. Link

Nyrstar Foundation -- Social Ideas to Improve Nutrition in Developing Countries. The Nyrstar Foundation invites ideas from individuals, companies, and organizations to improve nutrition in the developing world. Proposed projects must be original business creations in the early stages of their development, and no more than four years old. Proposed projects can fit any of several categories related to nutrition, including agriculture and food production (among other themes). Projects should be led by European residents. The competition winner will receive €25 thousand to implement the proposed project. The application deadline is 31 December 2013. Link

University of Cambridge -- Masters Program in Conservation Leadership. The MPhil degree in Conservation Leadership at the University of Cambridge is a full-time interdisciplinary masters course over 11 months in conservation management and leadership. The program aims to attract graduates that have at least three to five years of relevant experience. Applicants from less-developed and developing countries can apply for scholarship support, which is awarded competitively. The deadline for university admission and scholarship application is 03 December 2013. Link

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) -- PEER Science, 3rd Cycle. USAID and the NSF jointly support Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) Science. PEER Science invites scientists in 85 eligible developing countries to apply for grants supporting research and capacity building of importance to USAID, and conducted in partnership with NSF-funded collaborators. Topic areas include agriculture, fisheries, plant genetics, climate change, disaster mitigation, biodiversity, water, and renewable energy. The deadline for proposals is 16 December 2013.Link

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- African Elephant Conservation Fund 2014. As part of its program "Wildlife Without Borders," the USFWS makes grants for the conservation of selected wildlife species, including African elephants. Grants are for applied research, training, conservation management, community outreach, law enforcement, decreased human-wildlife conflicts, and other activities in conservation. Preference is for proposals that request less than US$200 thousand for priority sites, and less than US$50 thousand for other sites, and that demonstrate matching support. Eligibility extends worldwide to qualified and relevant government agencies, other organizations, multi-national secretariats, and individuals. The application deadline is 02 December 2013. Link

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- Great Ape Conservation Fund 2014. As part of its program "Wildlife Without Borders," the USFWS makes grants for the conservation of selected wildlife species, including great apes. Grants are for applied research, training, conservation management, community outreach, law enforcement, decreased human-wildlife conflicts, and other activities in conservation. Preference is for proposals that request less than US$50 thousand and that have matching support. Eligibility extends worldwide to qualified and relevant government agencies, other organizations, multi-national secretariats, and individuals. The application deadline is 02 December 2013. Link

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund 2014. As part of its program "Wildlife Without Borders," the USFWS makes grants for the conservation of selected wildlife species, including rhinos and tigers. Grants are for applied research, training, conservation management, community outreach, law enforcement, decreased human-wildlife conflicts, and other activities in conservation. Preference is for proposals that request less than US$50 thousand and that have matching support. Eligibility extends worldwide to qualified and relevant government agencies, other organizations, multi-national secretariats, and individuals. The application deadline is 02 December 2013. Link

Volkswagen Foundation -- Fellowships for African Researchers in Natural Resources. The Volkswagen Foundation invites researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa to apply for postdoctoral fellowships addressing “Resources, their Dynamics, and Sustainability – Capacity Development in Comparative and Integrated Approaches.” Research should focus on urgent and important questions related to land, water, biological resources, energy for domestic uses, and natural hazards (with qualifications). Fellows need to cooperate with a German research partner. Funding over three years is up to €90 thousand for junior fellows, and up to €120 thousand for senior fellows. The deadline for pre-proposals is 13 December 2013. Link

Waterloo Foundation -- Projects for Forests and Fisheries. The Waterloo Foundation manages an Environmental Fund that supports projects to manage and conserve tropical forests and marine resources, especially fisheries. Applications are invited from UK charities in partnerships with local organizations in the developing world, and from non-UK organizations that can provide suitable references in the UK. The majority of grants range from £50 thousand to £100 thousand for projects of up to three years. The next application deadline for the forests program is 01 December 2013; the next deadline for the marine program is 01 March 2014. Link

World Wildlife Fund U.S. -- Grants for Conservation Workshops. WWF-US offers up to US$7,500 for workshops that train communities, stakeholders, park guards, and others on conservation issues. Applying organizations must have an established presence in an eligible country (countries are listed in the announcement). The workshops should focus on practical skills and field activities to increase local learning and build capacity. The next application deadlines are 01 October 2013, 01 December 2013, and 01 February 2014. Link

January 2014

Associated Country Women of the World -- Projects 2014. The Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) supports women in their efforts to reduce poverty, improve health, and advance education through 460 member societies active in over 70 countries. Projects in the "Water for All Fund" address water, sanitation, and hygiene. Projects in "Women Feed the World Fund" include support for progressive farming techniques, and upgrading women’s skills in agriculture. Applications from member societies should be completed no later than 30 November 2013. Applications from non-member organizations should be submitted 01-31 January 2014. Link

Australia Awards for Africa -- Scholarships and Fellowships 2014. Australia Awards funds qualified African candidates for masters studies in Australia in subjects of agriculture and food security; health; natural resource management; public policy; and water and sanitation. Additionally, the program offers short-term fellowships for professional training in Africa and/or Australia in agriculture, mining, and several other thematic areas. Application deadlines are 13 December 2013 for the master's scholarships, and 17 January 2014 for the professional fellowships. Link

Conservation, Food, and Health Foundation -- Grants to NGOs. The CFH Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations worldwide for projects in conservation, sustainable agriculture, and health in developing countries. Most grants range from US$15 thousand to US$30 thousand for projects of one year. The deadlines for concept applications are 01 January and 01 July of each year. Link

Inter-American Foundation -- Research in Grassroots Development 2014-2015. The Inter-American Foundation supports PhD research in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) on themes related to grassroots development. Past projects have included topics in agriculture, watershed management, and climate change (among others). The competition is open to citizens of the USA and citizens of independent Latin American and Caribbean countries (except Cuba) who are PhD candidates at universities in the USA. The deadline for applications in the 2014-2015 cycle is 06 January 2014. Link

International Foundation for Science (IFS) -- Individual Research Grants 2014. The IFS calls for applications from early-career scientists in the developing world for research in any of the themes of sustainable management of natural resources; water and aquatic resources; and food production, food security, and nutrition. Applicants must be attached to a national research institute in an eligible developing country (IFS lists them), and they must meet the IFS criteria on age and educational level. The next period for applications (English, French) is 01 December 2013 through 31 January 2014. Link

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) -- Young Scientists Summer Program 2014. IIASA invites doctoral students worldwide to participate in its Young Scientists Summer Program held at IIASA's headquarters in Austria. The selected participants work with IIASA’s senior scientists in research on energy and climate change, food and water, and poverty and equity. Scholarships are available from IIASA's national member organizations. A limited number of scholarships is available from other sources. The application deadline is 14 January 2014. Link

LEAD -- Leading for Sustainability 2014. LEAD invites applications for its program "Leading for Sustainability" in 2014. The program is a combination of virtual and residential activities to build leadership skills in the context of real-life sustainability problems. LEAD invites applications from middle and senior managers worldwide, and it offers partial bursaries to individuals whose participation will increase the diversity of the group. The application deadline is 20 January 2014. Link

Leverhulme Trust and the Royal Society -- Africa Award for UK Collaboration with Ghana and Tanzania. The Leverhulme Trust and the UK's Royal Society collaborate to make grants for research in agriculture, water and sanitation, biodiversity, energy, and basic human health in Tanzania and Ghana. Applications are submitted by researchers in the UK in collaboration with researchers in Tanzania and Ghana. Awards are up to £180 thousand over three years -- in addition to supplementary funds for doctoral students and training activities. Project leaders must have at least post-doctoral status or equivalent. The next closing date for applications is 15 January 2014. Link

Royal Agricultural College -- Land and Food Fellowships for Africans 2014-2015. The UK's Royal Agricultural College offers fellowships to African students for the MSc in international rural development, and MSc in sustainable agriculture and food security. The RAC seeks applicants who have experience in agriculture and related subjects; an interest in land reform; and a desire to make a strategic and sustainable contribution to Africa's development. The program supports up to 10 African fellows each year. The application deadline is 03 January 2014. Link

Tusk Trust -- Awards for African Conservation. The Tusk Conservation Awards highlight achievements of individuals working for conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa is awarded to a distinguished individual for exceptional contribution over a minimum of ten years. The Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa is awarded to an individual with a minimum of five years experience who has demonstrated a considerable commitment to conservation, and who has already made a significant impact. In both categories, the winner receives a trophy and a grant to support further work. The deadline for nominations is 24 January 2014. Link

February 2014

Belgium's University Commission for Development -- Awards, Courses, and Training 2014-2015. The French-language universities of Belgium award 150 scholarships and 70 training grants each year to applicants from developing countries through Belgium's University Commission for Development (CUD -- Commission universitaire pour le Développement). Subjects include aquaculture; tropical animal and plant resources; environmental management; management of natural hazards; and others. Eligibility requirements are defined by age, previous education, and nationality. The deadline for applications (French or English) is 12 February 2014. Link

European Commission (EC) -- Energy in Fragile African Countries. The ACP-EU Energy Facility II calls for proposals to increase supplies of renewable energy and to improve measures for energy efficiency in Burundi, the Central African Republic, Liberia, Mali, and Somalia. Eligibility for funding extends to state and non-state actors in the EU and its candidate countries; the European Economic Area; the ACP countries (including the five African countries named above); and other least-developed countries as defined by the United Nations. Grants range from €1 million to €2 million, varying with cost shares. Reference EuropeAid/135073/C/ACT/Multi. The deadline for applications is 14 February 2014. Link

Howard G. Buffett Foundation and University of Wisconsin -- Agricultural Innovation Prize. The Agricultural Innovation Prize is jointly sponsored by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the University of Wisconsin to encourage teams of university students to identify how to achieve food security for the world's population while keeping within sound environmental boundaries. The competition invites business plans that focus on a process, product, service, or technology. The competition is open to teams comprising at least 50% students (U.S. and/or international) who are enrolled half-time or more at accredited U.S. colleges and universities. Cash prizes are US$100 thousand for the winning team, US$25 thousand for finalists, and travel grants to enable 25 teams to make presentations. Online entries are invited between 01 December 2013 and 28 February 2014. Link

MasterCard Foundation -- Graduate Studies for Africans at Michigan State University 2014. The MasterCard Foundation funds citizens and residents of Sub-Saharan Africa for graduate studies at Michigan State University, USA. The fields of study at MSU include agriculture and natural resources; veterinary medicine; natural sciences; and many others. The deadline for completed applications is 03 February 2014. Link

U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) -- International Coral Reef Conservation 2014-2015. NOAA administers the Coral Reef Conservation Program to protect coral reefs in the USA and internationally. NOAA currently invites applications for the international program, with priority for the Caribbean, Micronesia, and independent Samoa. NOAA offers matching funding up to US$300 thousand for projects of up to two years. The program is open to institutions of higher education, NGOs (U.S. and international), governments (except U.S.), and commercial organizations. Funding Opportunity NOAA-NOS-OCRM-2014-2003838. The application deadline is 28 February 2014. Link1 Link2

World Wildlife Fund U.S. -- Grants for Conservation Workshops. WWF-US offers up to US$7,500 for workshops that train communities, stakeholders, park guards, and others on conservation issues. Applying organizations must have an established presence in an eligible country (countries are listed in the announcement). The workshops should focus on practical skills and field activities to increase local learning and build capacity. The next application deadlines are 01 October 2013, 01 December 2013, and 01 February 2014. Link

March 2014

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation -- International Climate Protection Fellowships. The International Climate Protection Fellowships allow future leaders to spend a year in Germany working on a research project of their own choice in the field of climate protection. Fellows choose their collaborative partners. The program invites applications from individuals in non-European transition and developing countries involved with scientific, engineering, legal, economic, or social aspects of climate change. The application deadline is 15 March 2014. Link

American Museum of Natural History (New York) -- Lerner-Gray Grants for Marine Research 2014. The Lerner-Gray grants support research in marine biology. Most grants are US$500 to US$2 thousand. Research may be conducted at the museum, or in the field. The grants are open to applicants of all nationalities. The application deadline is 15 March 2014. Link

Australia and Pacific Science Foundation -- Grants 2014. The APSF makes research grants in ecology, biodiversity, and life sciences in Australia and the Southwest Pacific region. Grants are awarded to institutions within Australia or other countries of the Southwest Pacific region for activities within those countries or within the region. Most grants are up to A$15 thousand per year for up to three years. Applications are due 07 March 2014. Link

Belgian Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences -- Yearly Competition 2014. Each year, the Academy sponsors a yearly competition to stimulate high-quality research regarding problems inherent in the developing world. The questions for 2014 include one on the application of GIS for tropical nature conservation, and another on the development of transport corridors in tropical regions. The competition is open to all scientists worldwide without any age restrictions. Each award-winning work is granted a prize of €2,500. The deadline is 01 March 2014. Link

British Ecological Society -- Research Grants and Outreach Grants 2014. The BES makes Research Grants in support of scientific ecological research where there are limited alternative sources of funding. Small projects can be awarded up to £5 thousand, and early-career ecologists can apply for funding up to £20 thousand. There are no restrictions on nationality or residence of applicants, or where they carry out their research work. Additionally, BES offers Outreach Grants of up to £2 thousand to encourage its members and others to promote ecological science to a wide audience. The application deadlines are 03 March 2014 and 08 September 2014 for both types of grants. Link Research Grants   Link Outreach Grants

Cargill -- Cargill Global Scholars Program 2014. The agribusiness company Cargill offers scholarships to university students interested in food security, agriculture, and risk management. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of Brazil, China, India, Russia, or the USA -- and attend university in those countries. Each Cargill Global Scholar receives an annual scholarship for up to three years, as well as opportunities for leadership training and networking. The application date is 01 March 2014. Link

International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) -- Fellowships Program. The Arturo Falaschi Fellowships Program offers long and short-term fellowships to assist in the training of scientists from ICGEB's 63 member states, including many developing countries. The fellowships are for research at collaborating universities in India, Italy, and South Africa. Completed applications need to be sent to ICGEB's national liaison officers before 31 March 2014. Link

International Primatological Society -- Grants for Primate Conservation, Research, and Education. IPS makes grants to support primate conservation in the field; primate care in captivity; conservation education; and conservation training. Applicants for the Southwick Award (conservation education) and the Galante Award (training) must be residents of habitat countries. Grants range from US$1,500 to US$2,500. The annual deadline for applications in all categories is 01 March. Link

John Ball Zoological Society -- Wildlife Conservation Grants 2014. The JBZS (USA) makes grants to conserve wild animals and their habitats; to improve the management of captive animals; and to develop education programs related to these objectives. Most funded projects are in developing countries. Applicants can be of any nationality, and should be associated with a recognized institution (e.g., zoo, educational institution, conservation organization, etc.). The deadline for applications is 03 March 2014. Link

Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas (MCFA) -- Funding for Conservation and Environment. The MCFA makes grants to non-profit charitable organizations in the Americas (Canada, USA, and Latin America) for biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, environmental justice, and environmental education. Most recent grants are for 2-4 years, ranging in amount from under US$30 thousand up to US$1 million. MCFA states that the ideal timing for submitting proposals is during the first quarter of the calendar year. Link

Oriental Bird Club -- Grants for Bird Conservation in Asia. The OBC Conservation Fund invites makes grants for bird conservation in Asia. Grant-making priorities are projects that benefit globally threatened bird species; that conserve threatened bird habitats; and that are led by Asian residents. Small Conservation Awards are £1,000 (exceptionally £1,500) for projects of up to 18 months. Major Conservation Awards are a maximum £2,000 per year for projects of 3-5 years. For Small Awards, applications are due 31 March of each year. For Major Awards, summary proposals can be submitted any time, and full proposals are due 31 March. Link

Pacific Development and Conservation Trust -- Community Projects in the Pacific Islands. New Zealand's Pacific Development and Conservation Trust makes grants for conservation, cultural heritage, development, and goodwill in the Pacific Islands. The priority is community projects, including conservation projects that involve representative, endangered, threatened, or unique habitats and species. Eligibility for grants extends to citizens of New Zealand and eligible Pacific countries and territories. Most past grants range from NZ$2 thousand to NZ$50 thousand. The deadline for expressions of interest is 31 March of each year. Link

Prince Albert II Foundation -- Grants 2014. The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation makes grants for global environmental stability in themes of climate change, energy, biodiversity, access to water, and the fight against desertification. In each grants cycle, the Foundation defines priority focus areas within these themes. The geographical scope of grant making comprises the Mediterranean Basin, the Polar Regions, and the Least-Developed Countries. Grants do not exceed 50% of a project budget. The next period for submitting pre-proposals (French, English) is 17 February 2014 through 17 March 2014. Link

Right Livelihood Award Foundation -- Annual Nominations. The Right Livelihood Awards are annually made to individuals and organizations offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today. The Award is sometimes referred to as the "Alternative Nobel Prize." Past laureates include several whose work in issues of environment and natural resources advances social justice and grassroots development in the developing world. Normally, the Foundation makes three cash awards and one honorary award each year. Nominations are invited from anyone worldwide (excluding self-nominations, close relatives, and Foundation staff and jury). The deadline for nominations is 01 March of each year. Link

Tinker Foundation -- Sustainable Resource Management in Latin America. Tinker's program of Institutional Grants supports the theme of sustainable resource management (among others) in Latin America. Proposals are submitted by institutional entities that are geographically focused on Latin America. Priorities are promoting sustainable management practices, and providing secure water supply. The Foundation encourages collaboration among organizations in the USA and Latin America. Tinker encourages brief letters of inquiry to the Foundation before proposals are prepared and submitted. The application deadlines are 01 March and 15 September of each year. Link

Waterloo Foundation -- Projects for Forests and Fisheries. The Waterloo Foundation manages an Environmental Fund that supports projects to manage and conserve tropical forests and marine resources, especially fisheries. Applications are invited from UK charities in partnerships with local organizations in the developing world, and from non-UK organizations that can provide suitable references in the UK. The majority of grants range from £50 thousand to £100 thousand for projects of up to three years. The next application deadline for the forests program is 01 December 2013; the next deadline for the marine program is 01 March 2014. Link

World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) -- African Research Cooperation with Germany. Through the TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits, post-doctoral researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa (except South Africa) make cooperation visits to institutes in Germany. The visits are limited to three months, with the aim of promoting longer-term collaboration. Preference is for young PhD-level scientists, particularly women. The application deadline is 31 March of each year. Link

Selected Advance Postings

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation -- Georg Forster Research Fellowships 2014-2015. With funding provided by the German government and the EU, the Georg Forster Research Fellowships (HERMES) supports up to 80 postdoctoral researchers to carry out research projects (6−24 months) in cooperation with hosts at research institutions in Germany. The program is open to scientists and scholars from all disciplines in developing countries, emerging economies, and transition states (excluding China and India). The fellowships provide €2,650 per month plus additional allowances. Applications can be submitted through mid-2015(exact date to be determined later)Link



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Мы рады приветствовать Вас в группе сторонников  "ИСАР-Сибирь". ИСАР-Сибирь  ведет свою деятельность в качестве неформального объединения экологических экспертов и активистов с 1996 года. Цель - развитие экологического движения, активизации его роли в становлении гражданского общества, для достижения позитивных практических результатов в области защиты окружающей среды....


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