Call for Applications! 2014 Senior International Fellows Program


Call for Applications 

2014 Senior International Fellows Program

Please circulate within your networks.  Thanks!


The Center is seeking motivated community foundation or other community grantmakingprofessionals who


  • aim to strengthen community foundations and place-based philanthropy
  • want to increase strategic philanthropy in your local community
  • seek networking opportunities with Third-sector colleagues worldwide
  • need time away to explore new strategies

If this describes you, apply now to the
(Thursday April 24 - Wednesday May 21, 2014).


This is a professional development opportunity for Third-Sector decision-makers to supportcommunity grantmaking and help build philanthropic capacity in their home countries.  

Fellows will

  • participate in a month-long seminar that includes lectures and intensive sessions with leading practitioners.
  • visit community foundations and other grantmaking organizations to learn about their day-to-day workings.
  • meet prominent figures in the philanthropy/foundation community.
  • join a network of close to180 alumni from 59 countries.
  • link with national and international networks of people, organizations and resources.
  • produce a position paper reflecting new strategies.
About Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society
Founded in September 1986, the Center's mission is to strengthen philanthropy and civil society through education, research and leadership training.  Located amid the nation's largest concentration of foundations, corporate donors and local, national and international nonprofit organizations, the Center serves as a base for research and ongoing interchange among scholars and practitioners in the field.  The Center's activities are interdisciplinary, with an emphasis on multicultural, women's and international philanthropy.  Within this framework, the Center offers seminars, conferences and lectures; fellowships; and research projects and publications.
Support for the 2013 International Fellows Programs was generously provided by:  the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Associazione Italiana Fondazioni ed Enti di Erogazione [ASSIFERO], Fondazione Provinciale della Comunità Comasca, Inner North Community Foundation, The Via Foundation, Sampradaan Indian Centre for Philanthropy and other institutional, individual and anonymous donors. Special thanks for general program support also goes to the Pine Tree Foundation of New York.

EXTENDED DEADLINE:  Applications accepted through Monday December 2, 2013 from non-U.S. citizens.  Applications from individuals residing and working in the U.S. are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Interested and want to learn more?
Visit the Center's Senior International Fellows program web page


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