Amur Tigress Hit by Car (Part III)

On the night of April 19/20, 2009 a vehicle, presumably a jeep or a minivan, moving at a high speed in the direction from Razdolnoe village towards Slavyanka town, hit a three-to-five-year-old female tiger on the bridge over the Narva river. Immediatley upon receiving the information about an injured tiger, the Khasan team members of Inpsection Tiger went to the scene. There were a lot of plastic fragments of broken bumper and shattered headlight found there. The fragments were handed over to Khasansky police office to follow up the evidence. No braking path was found on the road. The vehicle has dragged the animal an estimated 40 meters before its complete halt. Then, the driver tried allegedly to conceal the evidence of the road accident by throwing all broken fragments into the river, but due to the darkest hours he failed to get rid of all pieces.

Early morning the experts from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) came to the scene to anesthetize the tigress. Then, Inspection Tiger specialists brought the tranquilized animal to Ussuriisky Agricultural Academy for medical examination. Unfortunately, a team of veterinarians was unanimous that the tigress with a broken backbone had practically no chances to survive because it got traumas incompatible with life. Thus, after Rosprirodnadzor agency received permission from Moscow to do euthanasia, the vets carried out a mercy killing.

On April 21, the Ministry of Natural Resources applied to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for installing a lower speed limit on the road passing through Leopardovy (Leopard) Wildlife Refuge where the Amur tigress had been run over by the car. This measure would cause drivers to slow down and reduce accidents.

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