Digest of Socio-Ecological Union International for February 24, 2024. №64

Dear friends and co-fighters!

Welcome to the next issue of Positive News.

Let you spread it among your friends and co-fighters in your countries and around the Earth.

We will be glad to receive and publish your positive news from the fields and offices.

Welcome to send us photos of your country's Nature Reserves.

Sviatoslav Zabelin, SEU coordinator


Digest of Socio-Ecological Union International for February 24, 2024. №64

Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve was established on January 30, 1925 – one of the most famous reserves not only in the Republic of Belarus, but also in Europe. In 1995 The reserve has been awarded the European Diploma of the Council of Europe as an area where a unique diversity of fauna and flora is preserved. The natural complex of the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve is 1,200 square kilometers (85,149 ha). Natural forests, the pride of the reserve, occupy over 80% of its total area and are represented by coniferous, pine, spruce and broad-leaved forests. The priceless natural treasure of the reserve, without a doubt, can be called its vast swamps. Occupying more than half of its territory, the marshes largely determine the general appearance of the reserve, its landscape features, the nature of the animal and plant world. To a certain extent, it is thanks to them that the territory of the reserve has preserved its primeval state.


Since 2016, EAD has successfully translocated 285 Scimitar-horned oryx into the wild in Chad, with wild herd numbers of SHO increasing to more than 600 by 2023, exceeding the original target of 500. Prior to their introduction, there were no wild oryx left in the wild. This increase in numbers and overall species management in the Reserve led to its lower threat classification on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Although there is an improvement in the species’ conservation status, some of the threats still exist and sustained efforts are still required to ensure the oryx’s long-term survival in the wild. The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) has announced that its program to reintroduce the scimitar-horned oryx (SHO) in Chad has been successful in improving the conservation status of the species. Read more


The Supreme Court on Monday rejected Alaska’s bid to revive a proposed copper and gold mine that was blocked by the Environmental Protection Agency. The justices did not comment in turning away the state’s attempt to sue the Biden administration directly in the high court over its desire to revive the proposed Pebble Mine in the state’s Bristol Bay region. A year ago, the EPA stopped the mine proposal, citing concerns with potential impacts on a rich aquatic ecosystem that supports the world’s largest sockeye salmon fisheryRead more


A new guidebook aims to assist tribal nations across the United States in adopting legal frameworks that recognize the rights of nature. The growing rights-of-nature movement seeks to protect the environment by legally acknowledging its inherent right to exist and thrive independent of human use. The guide examines real-world challenges and pathways for passing laws and includes case studies of tribes that have enacted rights-of-nature laws through constitutions, ordinances and resolutions. The guide contains practical guidance on steps like surveying community perspectives, holding educational gatherings, and forming planning committees. Read more


Michael Mann, a prominent climate scientist, won his long-standing legal battle against two right-wing bloggers who claimed that he manipulated data in his research and compared him to convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky, a major victory for the outspoken researcher. A jury in a civil trial in Washington on Thursday found that the two writers, Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn, defamed and injured the researcher in a pair of blog posts published in 2012, and awarded him more than $1 million.

Michael Mann outside the H. Carl Moultrie Courthouse in D.C. on Monday. (Pete Kiehart for The Washington Post)

“I hope this verdict sends a message that falsely attacking climate scientists is not protected speech,” Mann said in a statement. Read more


The European Parliament voted in favor of Resolution B9-0095/2024, sending a strong signal and expressing critical concern about the state of the environment in connection with Norway's decision to open up vast areas in Arctic waters for deep-sea mining. Press&PR Consultant


Widespread 20th-century reforestation in the eastern United States helped counter rising temperatures due to climate change, according to new research. The authors highlight the potential of forests as regional climate adaptation tools, which are needed along with a decrease in carbon emissions.

The Southeastern United States' warming hole' and corresponding forest status. Credit: Earth's Future (2024). DOI: 10.1029/2023EF003663

"It's all about figuring out how much forests can cool down our environment and the extent of the effect," said Mallory Barnes, lead author of the study and an environmental scientist at Indiana University. "This knowledge is key not only for large-scale reforestation projections aimed at climate mitigation, but also for initiatives like urban tree planting." The study is published in the journal Earth's FutureRead more


31.01 В мире


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