Green Grants Fund

To mobilize resources for global environmental sustainability and social justice

Global Greengrants Fund is part of a community of activists working towards social justice and environmental sustainability. From the neighborhood organizer in Ghana’s mining region to the Chicago donor advocating for global environmental rights, we are a network of passionate change-makers.

Our belief is that everyone deserves the right to a healthy environment. The reality is that millions of people are denied this right. Toxic contamination; destruction of natural resources; disappearance of water, food, and work; displacement from traditional lands; these are the sad truths for too many communities. Environmental degradation is common, and so are the social injustices that accompany it.

Our strategy is to support local leaders—primarily outside the United States and Western Europe—in fighting these injustices. Through activist-led grantmaking, we find these leaders and provide resources that enable grassroots action on the front lines of social change. Together, we’re working towards one vision:


A just and sustainable world.

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